Log Status






Time Played

8h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 7, 2023

First played

February 6, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Solid stealth game and the best game in the original hitman series.

Graphics hold up relatively well considering the game is over 15 years old. Graphical bugs are rare but still exist but are not completely immersion breaking.

Gameplay mechanics are functional and work quite well but are not without their flaws. Occasionally pushing mechanics just don't work and can lead to having to restart if you want to achieve a high rating. Gunplay is relatively weak however seeing that it is a secondary focus and is a marked improvement over the previous games in the series I can't really complain that much, it works fine and probably won't be something the average player finds frustrating in a regular playthrough. The AI is relatively bad and easily exploitable however in my opinion this adds a lot of charm and is the reason why the game is so fun, it can frustrating however if you are looking for a completely serious experience however if you don't mind a bit of jank you will probably get a few good laughs out of the AI. There are some issues related to the framerate however these can be fixed by using Rivatuner or NVIDIA control panel or the AMD counterpart to limit framerate to 60.

The story is not the best however it gets the job done and is relatively interesting if you are looking for some backstory of why you are assassinating all these people or are just interested in some of 47's backstory.

The music is excellent and some of Jesper Kyd's best work. Even if you don't play the game I highly recommend giving the soundtrack a listen.