Perhaps the greatest story in any game I've ever played. I've played it multiple times over the years and still find it incredibly entertaining.

Has good bones, hopefully with some balance changes and more content it will be more satisfying to play. So many builds feel underpowered making even basic enemies feel like a challenge to kill.

Achievements are straight forward, a little grindy but easy.

I was hoping for more pokemon than ark. It's a generic survival game with cool pokemon like creatures.

Achievements are pretty easy, I just didn't like it enough to bother getting them all.

In my region I would say it's pretty overpriced for how much content is currently in the game. I played it on gamepass, I could see my review score being lower had I actually paid for it however due to the lack of financial investment I just don't feel strongly for this game at all.

Totally average bullet hell game with roguelite elements. There are some cool synergies however there just isn't that much content and most of my playtime was spent getting achievements.

Much like many other roguelite bullet hell games there are cool synergies you can get that make you feel like an unstoppable beast, however compared to something like Vampire Survivors or brotato there just isn't that much variety into what kind of builds are actually viable.

The sound design is ok, after like 10 hours of total gameplay I ended up muting the music and game sounds as it became a bit grating to me.

The achievements are very straight forward and easy to get but require a lot of grinding as you need to finish 15 runs on increasing difficulty levels before you can start getting the majority of the achievements, which just entail beating Darkness 15 (the difficulty scale) with each character and weapon.

Relatively fun base, very lacking in content in it's current state. Hopefully they release the planned content and it's worth the wait.

Achievements are straightforward and quite easy to get.

Lucius with a more streamlined gameplay experience and a pixel graphic style.

The gameplay is relatively similar to the orignal Lucius however instead of being a 3D puzzle game it's a 2D puzzle game. I felt that with the style and the way objects that can be interacted with are differentiated from compared to the original makes this game less of a pain to play and makes most of the puzzles more straight forward and easy to solve without the use of guides.

The art style and music are both done very well, I had an issue once during my playthrough where I tabbed out and it caused an audio bug that played the menu idle sound very loudly when I was playing, which I was able to fix by quiting to the main menu and reloading.

Overall it's an improvment over the original Lucius in terms of playability however it's still essentially the same game, almost all the puzzles carry out in a similar way to the original but are just less obtuse to solve.

The achievements are quite easy and can probably be done without a guide if you played the original before playing this one. If you haven't there are essentially only 2 achievements which could give you trouble that are easily gotten on a replay. There is also no 40 hour achievement like the original which is nice!


As of November 2023 I would say the foundation for this game is really quite good. The only real complaint I have is a lack of singleplayer content however there does seem to be plans for more in the future.

All the models look very good in my opinion and it's very satisfying to watch a well planned out offence or defence playout.

I have played a bit of the online with my friends and it is quite fun, however I had heard complaints from others in the community that the online matchmaking can be quite varied and you may end up against very skilled players as a noob.

Overall though I really love this game and hope that content continues to release for it and we see more varied areas, perhaps the middle east or africa could be very cool to see!

The achievements are very easy and they are currently all based around beating the singleplayer missions which if you get stuck can be done using onlines guides.

Serviceable point and click. Sometimes funny, most of the time not.

Achievements are very easy to get.

Very funny little point and click adventure game. Music was decent.

Graphics and artwork are pretty cute, though I did notice a few visual bugs where my characters walking or sprinting animation would break in certain areas.

Achievements are pretty easy to get and mainly just require multiple playthroughs.

I have played this game for an excessive amount of time. The music, settings and graphics are all fantastic and really showcase the power of IOI's glacier engine.

The gameplay has been refined over the newer trilogy and is pretty much at it's peak in my honest opinion. The shooting and stealth mechanics feel very satisfying, there is undeniably some jank however I think much of it feels at home in the series by mainly being funny or entertaining rather than game breaking.

Achievements are relatively easy if a bit grindy. There are so many comprehensives guides out there that some of the more obscure achievements are still relatively easy to accomplish, though some challenges are obtuse and can be a bit annoying to pull off without prior knowledge.

Only reason I'm not giving this 5 stars is due to the price of the game and miscommunications of the pricing model.

Funny little choose your own adventure game. Wasn't a big fan of the soundtrack. Comedy in some of the older games in the collections hasn't aged well but I still think the game is worth picking up on sale, bit steep otherwise.

Achievements are doable though some of the collectibles are a bit annoying to get

Solid murder puzzle game. Music is great and fits the game very well. Some of the puzzles are a bit illogical but I was able to solve them all without a guy through trial and error.

Achievements are mostly fine apart from the fact that there is an 40 hour playtime achievement in a game that will probably take the average person 4-5 hours to complete

One of the best Action Roguelikes out there in my opinion.

The gameplay loop is fighting progressively more difficult and more plentiful waves of enemies with minibosses spawning every few minutes of a run. Character building and item synergy are done particularly well in this game with there being no item that feels completely useless.

The sound design and soundtrack and very good. The sound design in particularly is done exceptionally well with it making killing enemies feel very satisfying throughout.

The achievements can be a little grindy and some of the base games can be a little difficult to get without a guide but nothing worth mentioning specifically.

Ultraviolent top-down shooter with a banger sound track.

Relatively rewarding gameplay loop, encourages making risky plays with the combo system rewarding the player with a higher score, which unlocks new weapons and masks

One of my favourite game soundtracks just banger after banger.

Achievements were fun to get with nothing being particularly annoying or obtuse to get.

Very similar to the first game with an slighty different art style. Most of my review of that game can be applied here, it has the same issues with repetitive and shallow combat.

Much like the first game I generally enjoyed playing the main story and got annoyed with how grindy getting the achievements felt.

The paid DLC was quite buggy and was overall not that great, however seeing that I paid 8 dollars for the whole package I can't say I'm really that disappointed overall.

Overall much like the original if you can get it on sale and don't want to grind achievements it's a pretty solid game that will probably take you around 5-10 hours to complete depending on how much of the side content you want to do and if you want to play the DLC. If you want to achievement hunt I will warn you that the game will end up being very grindy and the bugs in the Here Be Dragons DLC will probably sour your overall experience like it did for me. I got the game on a recent steam sale in a bundle for less than 10 dollars with the original and I can't say I'm unhappy with the game for the time I got out of it and the price I paid.