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Of the final fantasy games I’ve played so far I’d say this is probably my least favorite. The gambit system is fun and it’s a good game to idly wander and kill mobs but with it being a mock mmo it sits in FF’s evolutionary path in a weird place.

All of the characters are mostly good. Some a bit shallow, as is the plot. It felt too Star Warsish, a series I’m not personally that fond of. The cutscenes were beautiful and the design is one I didn’t use to like until I played 14 which it shares a lot of DNA with.

The combat never rises above a feeling of a weird idle rpg, and feels dramatically clunky when manually controlling if you need to strategize outside of your gambits which they themselves are a bit clunky to begin with. The progression charts are pretty good though and I can’t imagine em without the ability to respec. I do also like the mist system though it’s not too inherently intuitive