Souldiers 2022

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 15, 2022

First played

October 27, 2022

Platforms Played


I can't really recommend anyone to play this game unless they are on PC, as it seems like it's impossible to finish it on any other platform due to bugs, and the game seems to be slipping further into the abandonware abyss with each day that passes.

It's a damn shame, as Souldiers is actually a pretty damn good game that screams streamlined SNES from presentation to structure to gameplay. The pixel art oozes charm and the colors are vibrant and rich, enabling a psuedo-nostalgia, as it feels like what SNES games looked like in childhood memory, and, though a Metroidvania at heart, the game structure lends itself heavily to 2D Zelda with a hub and large, sprawling dungeons. It's a huge game with a slow start, but it transforms into something fairly special.

It's tragic that this fantastic game seems like it will be buried under the weight of its developers' failures to not only get it to function on consoles, but also their failures to appease their own customers and supporters. A damn shame.