It's like if Central Fiction were bad, but it lets me hear the BB cast's peak English VAs again and has my daughter Heart Aino so I can't hate it too much.

As of writing this review, I have just completed Chapter 9, since this is supposedly the "peak" of this game from what I've been told. Honestly, I'm not sure what I expected. This game combines 2 things that I hate - open worlds and Action RPGs so I really shouldn't have gotten my hopes up lol. While the story is fine enough so far, no amount of good writing can save this abysmal faux-MMO gameplay. In addition to having a good story, games should also actually be fun, which I feel many devs seem to forget lol. I'm unsure whether or not I'll keep playing because I feel really tempted to just finish it by watching a YouTube playthrough or something - all I can say is that I don't think I've felt this bored playing a video game in a while.

Sorry Zetta, but this game is fucking ass lmao.

The more I think about this game after beating it the more I actually like it more. I'm still not completely over the aesthetic and VA changes (Episode I Shion will ALWAYS be the SUPERIOR version) but I really do think it does everything else quite well. I genuinely found the plot regarding Rubedo more engaging than anything in Episode I for instance and it manages to have on-foot boss fights that aren't complete slogs unlike the other 2 games (if you disagree you got a skill issue, sorry). ALSO fuck everyone who said that this game's music was bad or in any way inferior to Episode III.

I wouldn't actually give it 5 stars but rating it higher than Episode III is the funny contrarian take so there you go. More like Jenseits von Gut und PEAK amirite.

Gachas aren't real games + just play EDOPro instead.

Master Duel if it was bad and you had to buy it. The story mode duels were kinda cool though.

I haven't played this shit since like 2019 why in God's name is it still getting updates and DLC

Who's idea was it to put stealth sections in a game about controlling gravity??? Ass game fr.

The first good Arcsys game in the last ~8 years.

Gotta be in the top 5 worst combat systems I've ever experienced in a JRPG.

I don't remember a thing about this game but I played the fuck out of it as a kid therefore it is Peak Fiction.

It was so epic for Monolith to make the E.S. combat a billion times more enjoyable than on-foot combat.

Now that I've actually finished the game - it certainly has some problems. The random encounters can be a bit of a drag to the point where I mostly avoided them in the endgame, the voice acting is kinda worse than Episode I, alongside the ABSOLUTE DESECRATION OF MY BELOVED

But that being said, I think overall it's better than the first game is nearly every other aspect.

I'm still mad about Shion though so it still gets a lower rating than Episode I.


probable cause for this being a contender for the worst game of all time

Shion is simultaneously heinously ugly and adorkable beyond measure. Truly peak.

The game's cool too I guess...

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This game is what happens when you remake a game that already sucks and instead of fixing the core issues with the game (i.e. the garbage ass "maps" if you can even call them that) you add superfluous story bullshit that somehow manages to make it even worse.