People will tell you that this game has bad story and characters and then in the next breath say that they enjoy slop like Awakening and Echoes.

Despite what some fans may tell you, this DLC is not at all significantly better written than the main game, and the core concept around it is kinda goofy anyway. It's around the same level as the main story but with more unabashed edge. That being said, the new characters were all fairly enjoyable (even though all FX Lord counterparts except Celine were just "what if they just had the exact opposite personality") with Nel of course being the standout.

The maps all felt insanely long compared to the main game, not helped by the godawful way they chose to set each characters' stats, classes and inventory, though I found the first 4 enjoyable. Chapters 5 and 6 however are best just not mentioned if you're playing above normal difficulty. But hey, at least the new music goes hard.

All in all FX is a mediocre DLC carried by the fact that it's part of a game I actually really like. Getting the Fell siblings and the Four Winds as playable in the main game is probably the best thing about it, but is screwed up by the strange way IS chose to set their levels and stats once you obtain them.

Still better than Cindered Shadows though lmao.

Pretty good game held back by the fact that playing the Switch port makes me want to rip out my entrails and hang myself with them.

- PC port literally unplayable at launch
- Introduces a new main villain, but since Chronicle Mode got gutted his story has to be told through the fucking Arcade
- Aesthetically a massive downgrade from the first game - the new portraits and UI look like ass in comparison
- No crossplay
- Still lacking in in-battle/post-battle character interactions (don't care if it's a nitpick, shit like this was one of my favourite things in games like Blazblue.)
- Still no English Dub (more of a neutral observation than a negative, though it was expected.)
- Player match room system kinda sucks

± Colour customisation, but still kinda limited since it's an exact copy of MBTL's

+ The actual gameplay is still fun, though good luck finding many people on a similar skill level to you on PC if you're a newer player because most people jumped ship from the shitty port.
+ Miyashiro Erika Wagner

Overall this game kinda makes me mad and I wish I had gotten a refund before it was too late.

David Cage write a good story challenge (impossible):

The game it's a remake of was so bad that this had no chance of even being above mediocre.

Still better than FES at least.

Back in 2020, after years of seeing this game circlejerked by the fandom I finally decided to play it, and turns out it's fucking ass.

The best fighting game I can't recommend to anyone