8 Reviews liked by aboxofpens

For a small indie dev, the platforming of this game feels amazing... if it worked like intended. Sometimes the controls are responsive as butter or stiff as a rock (especially the wall-ride mechanics) Also it suffers a lot from "chronic I don't know what/where I am supossed to do/go" metroidvania syndrome. If you are willing to overlook those aspects, it's a solid short game. Also, the goat ass is essential for the best playing experience, if you give sybil pants, shame on you.

If you're fine with blacking out for a weekend and seeing you've been awake for 48 hours straight playing this, go ahead and boot it up

I thought this game was a masterpiece when I was a teenager in the middle of my edgy athiest who just discovered nihilism phase.

The game that dared to ask if Slaves were as bad as their owners

i love when a captive young girl is raised as essentially a feral plaything confined to a birdcage by psychotic racists her entire life but after being freed is a quippy well-adjusted girl-next-door hottie and just sassy enough disney princess who sings zooey deschanel covers of abolition spirituals to smiling black children the game doesnt give a shit about

replayed it three times, the politics sucks ass, stupid centrism, tho the gameplay is amazing and fast paced, every encounter is fun.

I don’t know what the fcuk I’m doing

the HRT coffin changed gaming forever