Indefensible Games: The Absolute Failures

The methods in which I discover and pick games, which includes using's "most recent" tab, intristically results in me playing a ton of bad games. Perhaps you could say that is a conditia sine qua non of my ability to discover and highlight unknown masterpieces, and for that, I am willing to make the tradeoff.

As a result of playing so many bad games, most of whom I would place on this list but unfortunately cannot due to them not being on IGDB, I have learned quite a lot about what makes a game bad. Most games are bad because they are bland. Some games are bad because they are buggy. And some games simply don't live up to their functional objectives.

However, those games tend to drown, like snow in a Finger Lakes gorge, into the rushing water of my consciousness. The games that are here did not. They linger on without being thrown out -- well after the expiration date. During one of my days of imprudent youth, I had a bad acid trip during a party. That in of itself would not be worth any particular introspection: as a budding bohemian and writer, that came with the territory. What stood out was the severity of the trip, the mental spikes of damage that rumbled in my (very blurred) vision. The entries down below are the video game version of that terrible acid trip. Aesthetically disgusting, morally depraved, pathetically unambitious, and ludologically a failure. An affront to the video game as an artistic artefact.

As tempting as it might be, please do not play these games for any reason. They are on here for a reason.

Watch Me Stream My Mental Breakdown
Watch Me Stream My Mental Breakdown
I don't like Needy Streamer Overload for the way it tackles mental health and depression, sanitizing and aestheticizing it to an extreme level.

This is like Needy Stream Overload but a million times worse. The title truly is apt: playing this really is akin to a mental breakdown.
UC Love
UC Love
The canary in the coal mine for quirky boba-sipping queer asian high school visual novels, and the ultimate dating sim for terminally online computer science majors who browse r/applyingtocollege more often than they shower. Anyone down for a chanceme?
Square Enix AI Tech Preview: The Portopia Serial Murder Case
Square Enix AI Tech Preview: The Portopia Serial Murder Case
AI-generated slop in the video games industry isn't new, even for visual novels, but Square Enix's attempt stands out for the complete disregard of any sort of cohesion between disparate elements or even disparate sentences. ChatGPT's fiction writing abilities are admittedly not particularly high, but even so, I refuse to believe that current AI technology would be this abysmal.
Our World is Ended
Our World is Ended
A hate crime against the Japanese language. The visual novel equivalent of heairng a 11 year old talk about skibidi toilet ohio rizz gyatts while simultaneously being waterboarded with the worst self-aware "meta" storyline of all time.
Morimiya Middle School Shooting
Morimiya Middle School Shooting
The title gives enough away. Read Detchibe's review if you want to know more about why a school shooting simulator made by a mentally ill pedophile with a fetish for dead middle school girls is utterly horrid in a simultaneously infuriating and unforgettable way.
Missed Messages.
Missed Messages.
An otherwise generic queer Asian visual novel straight from tumblr-dot-com, but its attempt to cover sensitive issues with absolutely zero nuance or respect puts it well beyond its pastel peers from the realm of forgettable to the realm of unforgettably...atrocious. I've played plenty of games that window-dress their themes, but this tries to smash the entire glass panel, leaving a gaping hole where the window once covered showing the inner corruption and filth that this game's central conceit alludes to.
The Invisible Guardian
The Invisible Guardian
An incredibly racist and hilariously censored corporate "remake" of China's greatest visual novel. Butchers the greatest strength of the original -- the deeply-human characters -- and leaves a trail of dreadful prose and rotten corpses in its path.
Homeless Simulator 2
Look at the title, and imagine the worst possible realization of what that title means. The most bigoted, sterotypical, and janky visualization of the life of a homeless person.

Congrats. You just described this game.
Dysfunctional Systems: Learning to Manage Chaos
Dysfunctional Systems: Learning to Manage Chaos
This game truly is a dysfunctional system. Worse so, that's the better part: when the writing is functional, it shows itself through laughably piss-poor characters, inane trope usage, and worse of all, a veil of thick bigotry that surrounds the work and is so appalling to the senses that to this day, it is the only work of interactive fiction that I have ever dropped.
Beyond: Two Souls
Beyond: Two Souls
Somehow this makes everything else in David Cage's catalog look like the greatest kamige ever written by comparison.


3 months ago

do you have a rationale for these or

3 months ago

@slowness look at the notes

3 months ago

sorry, i'm quite new to this site

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