This game surprised me so much, a Diablo-esque game with a lot of depth, both expansions are short but quite good.

A lot of levels with three levels of difficulty, you can be anything in a RPG but a mage, you can be a warrior, thief, archer even in late game.

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SPOILERS This one deserves a lot of praise for the story, you're a subject of an experiment to transform a person into a killer without making them conscious of their actions, having two personalities that can be changed at will.

It has a lot of depth, it's a shame that the gameplay is extremely shallow.

A very special game, it was tough to master but so worth it. The mods make this game a masterpiece.

Honest to god, it's a fun game, but incredible short, it's so simple to achieve a good community, but it's a good game, not my cup of tea due to depth.

When you start the game as a "mayor" of a city, you feel very powerful but you have so many choices to make, and you need to balance between helping people and pleasing your party.

The story holds up, while in the start i felt it was a simulation game, it has a story in the back and the game finishes. It's not a long game.

I have a hard time with indies like these, playing AAA games all my life, it's a struggle to play something so simple, i know there's something good here. But i just can't stand behind it.

The bugs in this game are so massive, it's impossible not to be affected by them, the missions with airplane are incredibly painful.

Overall it's a good game, not the best in the genre as it once was due to time, it became dated due to modern games like GTA 5 and RDR2 but still is a special game and a good one to play.

So addicting and so much fun, as a simulation it runs out of fuel unlike Football Manager games, but it's still fun to play throughout the story.

A good game with a clichésque story, avenge your father.

There's so many cool features, like a sense of a mini "open world" in the city, the shops, playing with other characters, this was so ahead of its time.

A masterpiece, besides the impossible and frustrating Airplane missions, there's no downside to this game, always true to its core, you always go back to the hood, to family, friends, that's what's life is about.

No matter what, i always go back to this game. The mods create a separate game tailored to your needs, yes they add somes bugs, but they are worth it. It's absurd what the mods to in this game, they improve a already great game and take it to the next level, a solid foundation allows all this.

Incredible game, a open world must play, there's no choices to make and the skill tree is lackluster but still the gameplay is terrific along with graphics and environment.

It's a good game to pass the time, but other than that, falls flat on an uninteresting story and only two consequences for your actions.

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SPOILERS Extremely aggressive and a thin story, there's almost no point besides killing people over and over.

The story begins with a reporter what wants you to uncover and destroy a snuff filmmaker, the gameplay is horrible and so repetitive, it's a grind to get to the end.

Not my kinda of game, it feels so unfinished unpolished, seems like a base and not a solid game.