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Don't pick this one up for the story, pick it up for the gameplay. The premise is pretty interesting and it's cool to see how things unfold as you progress through the game, but the main draw of this game is definitely the dungeon crawling and team building. As you progress through the game, you unlock more classes to play with and it's fun to see how all of their abilities mesh together to create powerful teams of dragon-killers. You can try to make them all balanced, or go for different playstyles for each one. Once you get the hang of playing around with the systems, it can be really fun to shuffle the characters in your parties around to find new options and strategies to adapt to the new monsters they throw at you. I think the encounters in this game are generally pretty well-crafted. Enemy groups sometimes have certain gimmicks you have to learn how to counteract or work around, and the same thing goes for the bosses. Some of the bosses, especially later on when they expect you to have a certain mastery over the game, can be REALLY tough. It's great. The only thing that really, really egregiously sucks about this game is, when you unlock the new classes, you MUST create level 1 characters and grind them up so they're usable. There is a part relatively late in this game that will literally gate your progress if you do not have three full teams that are up to snuff. The first time you get new classes, it's a bit of a pain to level them up to what your first team is at. The second time, it will literally take hours and hours and hours and hours of grinding. I think this issue could've been alleviated if you unlocked side dungeons to explore at the same time you got the new classes, but you don't, and so you will be running down the same corridors over and over again to bring your characters up to the required level. You might wanna have a big backlog of videos on your youtube watch later list by the time you get to the grindy sections of this game. Whether that's good or bad is up to you and your mood. I don't think it's exactly a flaw, in this case, and I think it can still be fun to learn how to deal with the encounters all over again with the different setups.