6 reviews liked by amc215

bitches be like "this is what takes nintendo and those soulless corporations down" when this game was made with the same soulless sentiment

Deceptively deep and challenging time-management-action-RPG where like, real honest to god exploration (and not just tourism) is essential in a detail-rich large zone. Someone said its like a covert roguelike but I think it should inspired several actual roguelikes.

I may never have the reflexes to git good at Smash, or the stone-cold cunning for Among Us, or the actual singing talent for Rock Band… but goddamned if my brain hasn’t been marinating in lousy pop music for the last 30 years to the point where I can absolutely flex on some bitches when playing Name That Song.

So, SongPop Party is a fantastic take on one of my favorite party games. The music selection is great, the visual presentation is cheerful & friction-free, and the multiplayer mode is still hoppin’ any time of day (which is super surprising for a years-old title buried in the iOS back catalog).

UPDATE/PLOT TWIST: After playing a bit more, I realized that the multiplayer mode is fake, and seems lively only because it’s populated by bots presented as real players. Eff me for being a rube, I guess, but… smdh. C’mon, devs. That’s so grimy.

Lowkey would be one of the very best things in Apple Arcade, if I didn’t hafta deduct stars for egregious trickery.

\ [Apple Arcade ranked \]



why were so many indie games around this era about being a blob or goo

Needed more tombs and less shooting.

yep that sure was cut the rope