6 reviews liked by amndrkwe

quando eu era criança ficava rindo da caras q os inimigos faziam e me questionava pq o cara ta borrifando água gelada no cu do macaco

This is another example of a pure undiluted game. There aren't really any flaws I can point to. An individual is certainly entitled to not appreciating the game's goals and limitations, but I'd find it disingenuous to state that there's any failure in execution.

I withhold a 5 star-rating for things that I feel I'm the target-demographic for.

This game was like love at first sight for me, especially considering how big of a fan of 3D platformers i am, and i just love how this game tried to merge this mostly story light genre and tried to do something unique with the genre in terms of storytelling. The characters and story are absolute gold, and it´s really funny too! I really enjoy how well defined the characters and world are with only a few lines or only enviromental details, they are enjoyable at a surface level and if youre curious enough to look into it more, theres is plenty of lore (and fan cannon i guess) to sink your teeth into. While the story and the characters are outstanding imo, the game is held back a bit by it´s gameplay, while i personally didn´t find it as unenjoyable as most seem to (i think i was so mesmorized by the world and concepts of the game i didn´t even notice it in my first playthrough) you can easily tell the game was the first platformer of many of the developers, though it sets SUCH a strong foundantion for excellente gameplay, i mean the concept of entering someones mind and platforming through their personal traumas is genius, and the game does a great job of showing character through the stages, it just misses the mark on game desing, quite a few underdeveloped ideas and mechanics wich could have used more polish definetly, even though the game faulters on game desing i think there is still a lot to apreciate about how they so effectively convey characters and even psychological issues through the stages, obvious example being how The Milkman Conspiracy really makes you feel the paranoia of boyd, feeling watched and hearing a bunch of conflicting suspicious noises from every direction (even in the music) while exploring the same houses over and over again being watched by the g-men (the funniest characters in the game). So my conclusion is that the gameplay can be uhhh not great at times, but i loved the story and the characters and the world and the concepts SO MUCH that i don´t really care i guess, experiencing this for the first time excited to see how i could help each character along the way and how much funny dialogue i could experience along the way was a delight, definite recommend if you have a excentric sense of humour and have enough patience to deal with the gameplay. Lev ball one of my favorite powerups ever and meat circus aint that bad in the steam version guys calm down

I haven't played a Mario game since 2002 when Super Mario Sunshine rocked my 13-year old brain. Maybe it's a simple case of rose-coloured lenses and nostalgia, but Odyssey just didn't live up to the expectations I had based on my memories of this beloved title.

What appears to be a new and fresh take on the franchise, thanks to the imaginative cappy mechanics, begins to feel bland very quickly. Maybe it was the forgettable level-design, or the uninspired music, perhaps it was the repetitive boss battles, most of the game felt like it was lacking a certain, hard-to-define charm that older Mario titles had.

There is plenty to see and do, and so many collectibles to be found, but I didn't feel compelled to replay this one. One of the biggest issues may have been the shear number of collectibles to be found here, which is overwhelming but also a bit too easy. Difficulty (or lack thereof) wasn't the main issue, I wouldn't judge a Mario game on it's level of challenge; but it did stop feeling fun fairly quickly, whereas older Mario games compelled me to replay until I discovered every single secret and collectible.

full mario game in this style please