83 Reviews liked by amph1920

I’m tripping fucking balls right now, god motherfucking damn.

The scariest thing about this game is having a job in the service industry.



In my teen years, I got a 4096 while friends and family around me were still struggling to get a 2048 and I have been living on that high ever since

crumbles on account of being built atop the mistaken premise arstotzka did something wrong. lycos tells me its developer modded quake and married a japanese maiden so i guess it's true that absolute gamer power corrupts absolutely and leads you to the bottom of the effete ludum dare bottle

My dad turns off my internet at 5:00 on the dot every day because he caught me talking to a 34 year old man on Roblox so this little guy keeps me company in the dead of night. Love this fun little guy


someone played this on my dad's computer and i thought it broke the damn thing and i cried

this sucks and i absolutely HATE every single person who plays it. oh look at me im DUMB and i LOVE history and ww2 tank names and i love BORING games.

i strongly disagree with the popular notion that this game "got better over time"

this game was pretty good when it came out... 10 YEARS AGO

still selling for $60 dollars btw, get your shit together Nintendo.

I didn’t think it was possible for a horror game to be worse than haunting ground 2005 but Ao oni proved me wrong today

this is how it feels to work retail

Feels like a found footage movie made by high schoolers for a homework assignment