Recent Activity

maradona finished The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
I was having quite a lot of fun with TOTK last year, playing it for about a week non stop, however, my exams in Uni were about to begin so I avoided picking it up for about 2 weeks. After the tests ended, I developed this extremely odd feeling of not actually wanting to play this ever again. Just the thought of it, made it seem like a chore, and I struggled to remember good things about it without feeling tired of doing it, for some reason.

It's been over a year since I left off so I decided to force myself to finish it, and after a day or so, I can finally take it off from my backlog. It was quite nice, not really something I can possibly imagine spending an entire week playing it while also not being something I loathed. I'm beginning to think this is a genuinely cursed game because I don't think I've ever felt this way with any other piece of media.

16 hrs ago

maradona completed Luigi's Mansion 64
It's pretty impressive considering it was one of the first few fully edited mario campaign 64 mods, but its riddled with glitches that I can barely tell whether or not were intentional for the creepypasta Luigi.exe vibes.

1 day ago

2 days ago

3 days ago

maradona completed Rage Racer
Sure, do an edgy Ridge Racer. Add blood, add realistic accidents, add a killcam, do whatever you want... just don't take away the tropical stages in favor of boring grey city landscapes...

4 days ago

maradona is now playing Rage Racer

4 days ago

maradona commented on BrenoMancini's review of Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman
Analise interessante! Algo que eu acho peculiar no sentido narrativo do jogo é a presença do "Hustle Time", o power up com dirieito a própria musica tema vinda de uma montagem de desenho onde o protagonista simplesmente derrota tudo e todos. Durante tal, a única mudança externa além de sua velocidade aumentada, é que sua espada aumenta de tamanho, enquanto a arma se mantém intacta.

Zan, simplesmente desmerece toda a aparencia refinada e põe o estrago que ela pode causar como objeto de destaque, onde ela tem de ser maior, melhor e mais forte, como se o que o tornasse um auto declarado samurai mais "ultra sexy" fosse o tamanho de sua espada, similar a uma competição velho oeste onde quem possuia o maior ferro era mais perigoso. Ele não precisa provar a ninguém que é um verdadeiro caubói trazendo uma arma maior, por ele é seguro de que é tal, mas sente a necessidade de tal em relação a seu lado oriental.

4 days ago

maradona finished Rising Zan: The Samurai Gunman
This is the song that plays in my head when a complete stranger addresses me with female pronouns irl:

4 days ago

maradona completed Newer Super Mario Bros. DS
Nintendo lowkey genius making the New Soup engine feel abhorrent with how slippery it is, so that they could sabotage future fangames.

5 days ago

maradona is now playing Rage Racer

7 days ago

8 days ago

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