1504 Reviews liked by andrewsgameblog

A fun remix of the classic Super Mario Bros that spices it up with new harder levels, which would be reused in the Lost Levels, and other tweaks to the existing levels to make it all a bit tougher. Anyone experienced with the original console version should give this a shot as it gives it a little extra challenge that the original is lacking after so many playthroughs.

Some alternate universe version of the mario that made Nintendo bang or whatever but all of that is soured for me by the fact that I bought this shit only a week before nintendo announced they were puttin the damn thing on switch online and i think thats my specific pinpoint moment where ive actually wanted someone mortally injured bc of capitalism specifically

Vs. Super Mario Bros. is a version of Super Mario Bros. that combines stages from the first game and its sequel The Lost Levels, making for an adventure that starts out enjoyable but ends frustrating. If you're one of those people that likes less-than-fair challenges in their platformers, look no further than this game. For everyone else, you're probably better off playing something more balanced.

Vs. Super Mario Bros is the arcade version of Super Mario Bros and is nearly identical to the iconic NES games outside of a few minor differences. There are six new levels, there are fewer warp zones available, and the difficulty was increased just a little bit. There really isn't much to say for this version really, check it out if you're curious whether it's in the arcades or the Arcade Archives re-release on Switch.

It's Super Mario Bros. with some frustrating changes thrown in. It's sad that this is the only way to legally own a version of the game on Switch. No wonder why people emulate...

I will tear it up in a game of dr. mario no questions asked

Doctor Mario more like Doctor Mario

Its fun enough I guess, music is really nice. Tbh I feel compared to other puzzle games, it's pretty hard to make combos, and some of the later virus arrangements can get damn difficult.

I really don't know what to put here, but the game is fun. Catchy soundtrack and a very interesting soundtrack. Not particularly revolutionary but serves its purpose as being a Nintendo-branded Tetris like game. Very arcade style game for better or worse but nonetheless one you can pick up and play really at any time.

It's fine to play for 10 minutes maximum. Not my kind of puzzle game.

Didn't put quite as much time into this as Tetris, but it's got great vibes

Fun game, but I can only enjoy it so much from my general disliking of arcade-style games like this.