When I die, please remember as Bowser Jr. in the GLA.

I'm using tilt controls!

Wasn't gonna log this but then my activity log said I've "played" this for over 20 hours???

This would probably be my favorite 3D Mario Game if it weren't for movement being limited to 8 directions. And the fact that this game is designed to be easier to play in 3D but isn't on the 3DS. Ughhhhh too many missed jumps that make me want to commit arson.

Welp back to the vastly superior Nintendo DS Pokemon games we go...

I joined an online match and I was the ONLY person not using Funky Kong. You Funky Fucks need to chill.

Put the cartridge in the SNES and then remembered I need a Super Scope to play...I don't have a Super Scope so instead I threw my remote at the tv for a similar effect.

Honestly way more fun than it sounds.

I love this silly little horse card game.

Played it on Switch basically every day since it came out. Yeah I know that's only since like January but that's a long time for me. Kinda gettin bored of it now, so it'll probably be a long time (like a week) before I pick it up again.

The economy of time in my life is an enigma.

Crazy how the fire flower gives Mario jaundice in this version.

Never been so addicted to being so dog shit

Why does this game look like what I imagine plastic would sound like if it could talk?

Can't wait to tell my kids about Dexxit...