Playing this game feels like choking on sprite. I love it.

Also on a serious note I think a game with nothing but Mario in a submarine/plane/etc levels would actually be kinda sick? Like I'd play that for sure those levels are the best part of this game.

played on NSO Gameboy (I own the physical game but playing on switch is just easier boohoo)

The superior Pokemon game (besides maybe HGSS and Black/White 2 idk). I've probably put more hours into this throughout my life than any other video game.

And yet I still get fucked up by Cynthia almost every time lol I'm just bad at video games okay

this might be one of my favorite games ever and it's just a breakout clone for the gameboy I'm not joking what's wrong with me

"See that stick? That's Mario."

Played on NSO Gameboy

Fever dream fever dream fever dream

I went in Mario's peanits!

NSO Gameboy

Anybody else remember Mineplex? That was my second home as a kid.

I'd give anything to play One in the Quiver again. Or to suck ass at Survival Games.

My childhood copy of this game has a massive gash on the artwork. I guess it really is true that every copy of Mario 64 is personalized.

Milktoast Kart 7.

It's far from bad but it just lacks any and all personality. It's the only one in the series that I feel lacks it's own identity. But hey it controls great the new tracks are pretty good and it has the best retro course selection before MK8 Deluxe so like, I feel a bit bad bitching about it.

I'm so mad at myself for not playing this sooner, but so happy I eventually did. The definition of perfection has been blank all this time...until now.

Idk man...the art style is probably the cutest I've ever seen and the drawing as platforming concept is cool, but I was soooo bored towards the end of this. Also the levels sometimes drag and the final boss kinda came out of no where.

Also wtf was up with the monsters with the strange orifices in one of the final levels of the game??? Looked like Kirby gettin pooped out lol


Ehhhh. This is kinda a nothing game tbh. No reason to play more than a couple hours.

Except the "Get Arms" target game, that part reminds me of Coin Launcher in Smash bros brawl and i love it. If Nintendo sold Coin Launcher as a separate $60 release I'd probably buy it.

You bet I still have the spiky eared Pichu on my save file that's right I'm cool sex with me is great I promise

I always thought the argument that this was a bad/lazy release was pretty short-sighted. When I got this as a kid it was one of my first exposures to the original NES 2D Mario games, and I loved looking through the booklet that came with it. Just because there's not a ton of crazy behind the scenes stuff or extra content doesn't make this a bad collection. Maybe it's just a way to introduce a younger audience to these classic games--or rather, this classic compilation.

Yeah yeah I know the NES games were available individually on the Wii Shop Channel for less, but some of you ancient Nintendo nerds who were adults at the time of the Wii forget that some people (me) didn't have access to Wifi at the time. So getting this $30 Wii game version with a small bonus crash course in Mario history was perfect for me as a kid.

Sometimes you gotta remember that a simple collection like this can be the gateway into spawning new fans. Sure, more content isn't a bad thing, but this amount is just fine too.

Happy belated 25th Anniversary Mario.

This might've been the first video game I ever played (I can't 100% remember) and that's pretty cool. There's no better feeling than absolutely pummeling Toad with the homing missile-ass red shell and hearing his pre-pubescent scream. Now THAT is nostalgia.

Side note: I wrote a whole article ranking every 64 track from worst to best if you wanna check it out here:

Played on NSO N64

Okay I love this thing but damn am I just bad or is this game hard as fuck? Probably a bit of both. I can't make it past the cave area.

I guess the birds will never be saved and will probably die a cold, lonely death. Oh well.

Played on NSO GBA

God what I would give to play this game as a guy named Jim.