This game is awesome, builds off the first game really well while still keeping to the same general structure of the first game. The story I think is a considerable improvement as it focuses more on the main group of characters (Peter, Miles, MJ, Harry) and the connection between them while the first game's story is better at fleshing out the world surrounding the main characters. The more focused narrative was really nice and if you 100% complete the game as I did, some of the cutscenes and the end of side quest lines are fun teases for what could come in the third game.

one of the best games ive ever played, i love this game so much i could probably write an essay about how much i love it. all i'll say now is that louie is the best thing

great game but i would love more options like being able to write custom phrases and being able to use numbers, also don't try to get every achivement, i did and it sucked the fun out of the game for me near the end

this is like my new favorite game of all time, i would say more about it but right now im too busy playing pikimin 4

real quote from the game
"Books have no place in our society"

Really great game, kind of a hybrid between 3D platformer and a 3D zelda esc and the two styles marry together wonderfully. of course the main standout is the controls, all the abilities you gain are super useful, the equibable spirits are very useful and fun to collect and the combat is super fun and satisfying. you earn additional max hearts in small platforming challenges called voids and all of them even if they're not hard are really well designed and super fun to run through.
This game is a high recommendation.

I give this the coveted "not my thing award"

(played on NSO)
good game, my ADHD brain got bored of the relatively basic combat loop after a while but the story was fun and I'm glad I played it. just a solid fun game

To give you an example of how bad the difficulty spike is, I thought the final boss was easier then the last two worlds.
Was gonna give this an 8/10 but then the difficulty spike sucker punches you in the face and then continues to go up.
Other than that, great visual style, simple but effective story, fun characters, great use of the mechanics. Also loved how pretty much every single level introduced some new object or enemy, kept it fresh.
Something positive I will say about the difficulty is that most of it still feels accomplishable, and to say I felt great after beating some of these levels would be an understatement.
Overall, good game that I would recommend but also warn of the difficulty spike.

cute little adventure game with an interesting and thought provoking story about how we can change the psyches of the people around us

this review made me hate star ratings more than ever. I loved the time I spent with this game but I can't place It above 3 1/2 stars because of all the technical problems, if there were no technical problems I'd probably give it 4 1/2 stars because behind all the glitches and bugs you can tell the devs took all the criticism from sword and shield and tried their best to make this game the ultimate pokemon experience. I could go on and on about how I hate the pokemon company as a conglomerate and they should give game freak more time to work out the technical problems but I'd be screaming into a wall at this point.

they don't call it peak fiction for nothing