44 Reviews liked by ann3lid

The most fun and accessible fighting game to play with friends.

Wario is everything Mario can never be, for better or worse. The fourth installment of his series is a technical marvel on the GBA, both in sound and graphics.

Still not sure if I dreamt this or not.

It's very good for a dopamine hit, but I do find it to be a bit repetitive and less artistically interesting compared to other rogue-lites like Slay the Spire and Dead Cells.

that wheel is not 1/4 lying fucks

You bet I still have the spiky eared Pichu on my save file that's right I'm cool sex with me is great I promise

This might've been the first video game I ever played (I can't 100% remember) and that's pretty cool. There's no better feeling than absolutely pummeling Toad with the homing missile-ass red shell and hearing his pre-pubescent scream. Now THAT is nostalgia.

Side note: I wrote a whole article ranking every 64 track from worst to best if you wanna check it out here: https://andrewsgameblog.substack.com/p/ranking-every-mario-kart-64-track

Played on NSO N64

Dragon’s Dogma is a melting pot of ideas. Some of it really works. The combat is fast, chaotic, and endlessly fun. The vocation system lets you swap your class at any time making it very flexible and fun to experiment with. The open world, while a bit lacking in storylines, makes up for it with individual stories you create as you explore and encounter emergent experiences with your companion Pawns. The Pawn system is an innovative and creative way to give the player a group of changing companions that also connects them with other players at the same time. Quests are unique and memorable even if the actual stories themselves are forgettable. Some quests are structured in a way that they are completely missable after certain points in the game, require you to jump through hoops to complete them, or involve some other design element that seems designed to frustrate and inconvenience the player. This may be seen as a negative for most, and it likely will be, but I actually appreciate much of this intentional challenge and resistance the game placed on the player. The music that accompanies your adventure sets a perfect tone.

However, some of the ideas really do not work. As mentioned before, the vocal performances can range from serviceable to laughable. Some of the voice acting is so absurd that it feels intentional. The story itself has some intriguing elements by the end but by-in-large is very forgettable. A lack of major side quest storylines can make the open world feel separate from the rest of the local towns and cities. Loot, while addictive to collect, can be a bit lacking in terms of material reward. The affinity system they have is also underdeveloped. Outside of a few characters who may give you a new piece of merchandise or perhaps another excruciating escort quest, there’s not a lot of reason for it to exist. I appreciate the attempt but my affinity with each character was never relevant to my interactions with them.

This game lives on its individual moments you encounter throughout the journey. I’ll never forget moments like when I exited the giant city of Gran Soren only to find a caravan of merchants being attacked by a giant Griffin. Most of the NPCs made it out just fine but their pack-animal was grabbed by the best and taken away. Later, I hunt it down to the top of a tower and just as it is about to transition into a more powerful phase, a random dude I had helped find a book hours earlier runs up and joins the fight out of nowhere, helping me slay the beast with some new magic he had learned. These unforgettable moments are interspersed with moments of blank void where it can feel like you sunk 4 hours into the game but can’t remember a single thing you did. Dragon’s Dogma has a lot of highs and lows. There is really not another game like it and I respect it for that. I only wish the game would have expanded on and deepened some of its elements to create something that was truly remarkable. Instead, what we have is a unique game trying to soar to great heights but with just a few too many flaws weighing it down.

I actually enjoy this? And on the switch too. Actually fun.

Ahh, my first Pokemon game. I didn't comprehend how fucking SLOW it was then, but I sure do now!

I'm so mad at myself for not playing this sooner, but so happy I eventually did. The definition of perfection has been blank all this time...until now.

A little clunky when playing the on foot missions but it was fun revisiting Star Fox Assault regardless. I would love to see a port of this game on Switch but it probably won't ever happen, lol.

My true childhood Mario Kart, if I don't count Mario Kart 64, Mario Kart DS, Mario Kart Wii and the Mario Kart GP Arcade games I would sometimes get to play (all of which are probably better).

I know everyone says Double Dash is the one Mario Kart that's worth going back to if you don't want to just play Mario Kart 8, but I disagree. Sure this thing is pretty old school, but it controls and looks so different than any other Mario Kart besides the original. The Super Circuit tracks are mostly really fun (fuck Snowland for them migraines tho) and getting all the Super Mario Kart tracks is a sick bonus. It's truly fun to get good at this game, as it feels so much more skill based than some of the newer titles.

I never got passed a few cups on 50cc when I was a little kid, so I'm glad I sunk like 9 hours into this to mostly complete it now. Overall it was worth it.

But man, the Choco Island tracks don't DESERVE the Sunset Wilds background and it's so SADDDD

played on NSO GBA