I can't open my copy or Dotty is going to leave my town :(

I was so scared of Ashley Tisdale the entire time because they made her model look terrifyingly uncanny

there's a few bottles but i don't know the liquid very well...

I think they should make ayumu from azumanga the next spoogee when spoogee retires...

it was whatever, i was 13 and sucked at this game idk what to tell you

I have played this game 5 times, gotten all the endings and really immersed myself in the feel of it. It is another beautiful piece by ane but it is very different from Hello Charlotte storywise. I would suggest this for anyone who wants an experience playing in a world plagues by religion and the trauma it leaves behind. The story bits you get are all so amazing and wonderful and the game wraps up wonderfully.

Cuidade!!!! Tive um acidente em a casa...

Literally my favorite game of all time, a beautiful experience.

I just don't think Fire Emblem is for me, guys. 💀💀

I really REALLY like Street Fighter.