Boy, oh boy, I've been putting off this moment for a long time. Quick background: I was born with the Super Nintendo. My entire gaming discovery revolved around 2D platformers (the Donkey Kong series in my case). I played the N64 vicariously at friends' houses because, according to my parents, 'why get a new Nintendo when you already have one at home?' (the original 'meme' before its time). Anyway, all of this to say that I don't have nostalgia for this game. Maybe a tad bit of envy for not having had an N64? Perhaps.

After 4 hours of trying Mario 64, I threw in the towel. I can't get used to the camera controls. I feel completely insecure in all my movements. To make matters worse, I'm frustrated. Maybe the emulated version through the Nintendo Switch Online subscription doesn't do justice, or isn't as good as the version offered by the recently released Super Mario 3D pack, but overall, it's outrageously expensive if you're a fan of physical games.

It's been a long time since I've had such a frustrating gaming experience.

FR : Boy, oh boy, j’ai longtemps repoussé ce moment. Rapide perspective : je suis né avec la super nintendo. Toute ma découverte s’est fait autour du plateformer 2D (la série Donkey-kong dans mon cas). J’ai joué à la N64 par procuration chez des amis car selon mes parents : « pourquoi avoir une nouvelle nintendo alors que tu as déjà une nintendo à la maison ? » (le meme avant l’heure). Bref, tout ça pour dire que je n’ai pas de nostalgie pour ce jeu. Peut-être un chouïa de jalousie de ne pas avoir eu de N64 ? Peut-être.
Après 4 heures d’essai sur Mario 64, j’ai jeté l’éponge. Je n’arrive pas à me faire au contrôle de la caméra. Je me sens totalement insécure dans tous mes mouvements. Pire que tout, je rage. Peut-être que la version émulée sur via l’abonnement Nintendo Live Switch ne rend pas justice n’est pas aussi bien que la version proposée par le pack Super Mario 3D récemment sorti mais globalement hors de prix si on aime les jeux en physique.
Ça fait longtemps que je n’ai pas une expérience de jeu aussi frustrante.

Reviewed on Feb 28, 2024


3 months ago

It's one of the first 3D games so the camera was very experimental. I don't think they did anything to improve it in rereleases as far as I know (dunno how it even works with the wiimote).

I wonder if fans would have appreciated that.

3 months ago

That's true. Also I order a n64 controller for switch because it seems that the game was build around it. Ill give a second shot,