Children of the Sun embodies everything I love and expect in an indie game: a strong aesthetic choice that perfectly complements unique gameplay. Nothing more, nothing less. Here, it's the story of a perfect revenge: a single bullet (well, per level) to take down a cult leader.

The artistic direction is truly successful: a goth girl lost in the middle of deep America, a story that is fragmented into short sequences, and an absolutely incredible sound atmosphere. Everything is played on instruments: the impact of the bullet is a cymbal crash, and the girl's movement is depicted with rapid notes on a guitar (probably baritone). I recommend to the to the musician (Adian Baker) behind the music and the sound ambiance. It's almost as heavy as the OST of the first season of True Detective or the theme of Tristram from Diablo 1.

It's especially the tightly knit (not to say limited) gameplay that adds to its appeal. Everything is played with the mouse only. Children of the Sun combines puzzle gaming with the adrenaline of a shooter. The satisfaction of finally finishing certain levels is incredible. The player's frustration is, in my opinion, perfectly managed: it's neither too easy nor too complicated. René Rother gradually introduces a gameplay grammar that builds up without ever becoming overwhelming. You gradually become a kind of psychopath scanning the sky for birds to explode, scrutinizing every car, and blowing up NPCs' vital parts.

About 6 hours of tension consumed in small slices. I hope for a sequel!

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
