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The quality of the campaign is wildly overblown, fundamentally just a superhero movie in video game form because superhero media has done a fuckin horrific job in translating that kind of power fantasy.

The four stars are exclusively for the multiplayer, who take every mechanic of the call of duty multiplayer loop and replaces them all with ornate and godly hardware. The movement and firepower is the missing link between CoD & Quake. The maps are filled with AI chaff whose threshing gives you a chance to gear up for the robot, but also makes sure there's never too long between action happening. The perks aren't various aircraft but enormous fuckin robots, under player control. You can fight the robots in your own, or in more subtle ways if you don't have your robot. The end of the game is never a freeze frame, always an event of its own. And because it's This World, all this success didn't get even close to rewarded. Modern masterpiece.