June, 2023


Playing on steam deck in a car. Fuck sable guys are hard like this lmao.




You can use unrelenting fury on taskmaster lmao




I forgot how good the train station mission is playing as MJ.




49%, this is shorter than I remembered. That's a good thing though.




I've been trying to avoid doing any of the side stuff, unless it's directly in my path - while still aiming to get 100% - and I gotta say, for the most part, it's such a better experience. It's difficult for me to not go out of my way to do everything but it provides much, much better balance and pacing. Though I've noticed an issue. In a very similar game, Batman: Arkham Knight, I'm always doing something. Here, there's some streches where I'm traveling between story missions doing nothing, despite there being things to do. I realized what it was today - the damn towers. Such a stupid design decision, because every side activily is slowly unlocked through the course of the story by completing main or side missions, which is brilliant design that means it's always leaving you something to do as you go. The towers Absolutely ruin this, blocking you from accessing these things without going out of your way. Sure, they're quick you don't have to climb like a Ubisoft game or something, but they are pointless here and a really dumb distraction. Every other type of side activity is a an exercise in the games core mechanics, except this, it's nothing.


May, 2023



Didn't want to stop because I'm loving it and haven't finished what I assume is the first four shrines tutorial thing like the last game yet - then suddenly I remembered - I can take this thing to bed.

April, 2023


The linear platforming levels without Fludd are fine, it's trying to get those red coins with fludd afterwards that are a pain


Loving this - like Odyssey lite. Always saw Fludd as just a gimmick because Nintendo don't know any other way to make a sequel sometimes, but honestly it's a brilliant innovative platforming mechanic. Loving how many blue coins there are but the compulsion to clean every patch of whatever Shadow Mario's goop is will be the end of me.



Voice acting is fine, 64 had it too, it's just that peach was the only character in the cutscenes. The problem is the huge amount of cutscenes at the beginning - this a Mario game lmao.


112 stars!! Just need to 100% rainbow road and the last Bowser world and I will have finally conquered the work that made me fall in love with the medium.