It lags well behind the first and second, I don't like the plot of this one as much and dont like Javier, but it's good too.

Pictures of Pokemons, what else i can ask?

Great ending to this great series. It could be better, but it's far from bad.

Yeah yeah, Three Houses and Awakening are better games, but Blazing Blade is my introduction for this franchise, so yeah, just like this one more. (I love you Lyn).

Think of a little game that amused me when I was a child. I don't even remember anything, I'm not going to lie here, but I remember having absurd fun, the Digimons digivolving were so incredible.

Oh, this game, my goodness, was what made me really like Pokémon. I love Kanto, yes, I'm a nostalgic person.

This is so fun, it's so cool to switch classes, I love the simple combat, the calm and relaxing vibe. I just play quietly during the days, little by little, it's beautiful. I love being able to be a blacksmith, fisherman, woodcutter, wizard and much more, it's beautiful.

This game reminded me of Moonlighter in the concept of collecting items to sell later. And this concept is so much fun, and seriously, what a delicious gameplay and charming pixel art.

Guaranteed fun.