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Outer Wilds
Outer Wilds
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Hollow Knight
Jet Set Radio
Jet Set Radio


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It’s not a perfect game by any stretch. I don’t even know why I like it so much. But this game made a huge impact on me. It’s just so… cool! It makes me want to do nothing but rollerblade every day until I can do the kind of stuff they do. It’s also partly responsible for my lack of education during the Covid years. Oh well!

When you play this game, if you’re anything like me, you will:
-Take notes about an ancient alien race
-Fall into the sun (through no fault of your own)
-Ask deep questions about the nature of the universe
-Develop phobias you didn’t know existed
-Forget to suit up and asphyxiate in space
-Headbang to space campfire music
-Fall into a black hole (that one’s your fault)
-Wish you could play it again
It’s my favorite game for several completely unrelated reasons: the complex simulated solar system, the beauty of the story and the way it gradually unfolds, the thrill I got from exploring the planets, the music…
Just… please don’t spoil yourself. It’s a gorgeous spacefaring mystery adventure. If there’s any chance at all you’ll ever play the game, PLEASE stay away from any and all information about it, or the game’s reveals and knowledge-based progression will be ruined. Even very early game events are much better unspoiled. It’s my favorite game, period.