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2 days ago

2 days ago

EmnEmms finished Metroid Prime Remastered
Metroid Prime was Metroid's jump to 3D and it isn't good. It is passable, but not something I want to revisit. (Got to the final boss, died on the last phase and went this sucks and looked up the ending on youtube)

I really enjoy 2D Metroid and this just wasn't it. Samus has gone from fast and nimble to slow and tanky. The map ping pongs you around one side to another so many times in the 2nd half of the game and traversing the world became boring. I didn't actually mind the artifact hunt. The Phazon Armour meant I could ignore most enemies and the game does tell you want part of the map the artifacts are in. I even got about half of them just playing through the game.

Bosses in the later half of the game are also not interesting or fun to fight at all. Meta Ridley and Omega Metroid are damage sponges, and I did not like fighting them at all.

Whinging and complaining aside, the music and the atmosphere are great. Its what makes the game passable in my opinion. The graphics as well are stunning for a Nintendo Switch and Retro did a good job with a glow up.

Unfortunately, these just can't cover up the tracks of a slow, uninteresting FPS game.

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