Poor Mayo went through a lot :(

I screamed when Wu-Tang started playing.


Can’t believe I thought this was a mindless shooter, great game.

A very clunky masterpiece that I bought for 50p today.

The game started off very strong. I really enjoyed the combat, especially combining abilities in many different ways. I really liked the art style too. The story gets extremely messy just after the halfway point and I found myself tuning out sadly. It’s okay.

This game peaks in the second mission, it’s still a lot of fun to this day. Can’t wait for the reboot.

Decent enough game that felt like a cash grab, a lot of the remixes were poor too.

Definitely my favourite TellTale story. I love the world and characters. The game is paced brilliantly and has really shocking twists while having an outstanding, grounded story. It also has a fantastic, ambiguous ending.

Overall I enjoyed this game but I have a lot of issues with it. Whilst I think the gameplay early on was amazing and the things you can do in the game are brilliant but by the end of the game I felt bored due to a lack of mission variety. More indoor sequences would’ve been great too as opposed to always being open world. Most maps feel unfinished, and boss battles become glorified damage sponges. While I love the stealth gameplay the actual combat leaves a lot to be desired in my opinion. All those issues aside, listening to the tapes makes the game a lot better narratively for me and gives Venom Snake a lot more personality I wish you saw more in game.

Whilst the immersive simulator genre isn’t for me personally, Hitman 3 is definitely my favourite of its kind. You can tell the levels are crafted with a lot of care and there’s lots of ways to achieve your objectives which is a little overwhelming for me but that in no way makes it a bad game. I think it’s great.

"Remember that money, jobs, even best pals will come and go. But family? Family is forever..."

I really enjoyed my time playing this, it was exactly the kind of game I needed at the time. I loved the semi-open world design but where the game really shines is it's story. The pacing is fantastic, with no filler. The second half of the story is some of my favourite storytelling in recent years, it wouldn't feel out of place in cinema. My only issue with the game is the gameplay, whilst the driving is great the combat felt lacklustre and dated. If not for that, this game would've easily got another star.

Really enjoyed revisiting a game that I adored as a child. Lots of quality of life improvements and is really a great remake. The game is still absolutely hilarious and I can’t wait for the sequels remake as I preferred that one.

RIP Tupac you would’ve loved Sonic Origins 💔