Not of fan of turn based games but I can say that this one kind of blew my mind. Sea of Stars looks and feels amazing and is not the typical turn based, JRPG style video game, in a sense. It picks up a basic genre, and although repetitive, improves upon it by inserting a few simple-but-effective mechanics which made the game much more enjoyable than I had been used to. Great story too.

At first I disliked Dead Cells but with an hour or two in I started seeing the appeal of the game. It gets addicting, and even though I finished the main game in 8 hours, I saw myself getting back to it to try what I had unlocked and not seen before. Did not see myself enjoying this game as much as I did. Great game.

With Spider-Man 2 Insomniac Games managed to improve upon every single aspect of the previous two video games. The traversal feels even more satisfying than it already was, map is much bigger and, as such, is much faster to travel as well, combat managed to integrate even more skills than previously which makes a possible a wider variety of combos, the story is up to par with previous games, if not better... Without mentioning New York is even more detailed, populated and good looking than ever. The improvement in graphical fidelity is also great and the fact the studio did on implementing ray tracing tech on all game modes, even the 60 FPS mode, is amazing to me. The addition of modes you could play the game in, movie/multiverse, BD style or Noir style is also very interesting even though I did not spend much time on them.

Overall it felt like Insomniac improved on what was already a great franchise and it is always great to see a new game take some risks without changing what made it so much fun.

10/10 for me.

Looking for a Streets of Rage-type of game? This is it.
Fun for what it is and you can spend a good few hours on it. 5 hours long or so. Simple but fun, has a bunch of references to celebrities, story is very weak and not at all interesting but the fun is in the gameplay itself.

I doubted this game prior to playing it but it was actually pretty fun! The story mode is a bit disappointing, not because it's really simple, you know, it's a Mario Tennis game, you can't expect much more. Anyway, story mode was short to say the least, finished it in 5 hours at most and can probably be finished even faster. Gameplay mechanics are really interesting and what makes the game very entertaining to play. It's worth a try!

Good game. It's a remake that introduces a few improving things over the original one, extending the gameplay time over little things that might or not be fun for everyone. Can get boring at times but it's a Pokémon J-RPG, obviously requires some grinding to it but nothing too crazy. Becomes a little boring because of repetitiveness on the fight encounters but other than that it was really solid. It has been like over 12 years since I've last played a Pokémon game, being it on Game Boy, for some reason this one got me glued to it. All I cloud think about was about it until I finished it which is a bit crazy to think about, I never get that glued to one specific game, might have been nostalgia but I'm pretty sure the game played a good part on that. Overall solid, nostalgic and fun game despite some boring moments.

It's a game with simple mechanics and amazing story. It's so great that it's almost too hard to believe this game was originally from the year 2002. I now understand why the original was held in such a high regard from our fellow gamers, and why it is so beloved... So much that I myself became a fan of the franchise, even though I have played Mafia 3 before I did not feel this way. The story makes you feel everything as if you were really part of it and ends up giving us a great truth... "Remember that money, jobs, even best pals will come and go. But family? Family is forever.".