A very good game on its own, however, I will say that the story at least, in my opinion, feels like a step down from the predecessor. In an attempt to be bigger and more epic the heart of the story becomes a lot messier, setups have lame payoffs and massive payoffs have no setups.

Also while I cannot speak for the PS5 version of the game, the PS4 version did have some frustrating bugs and glitches. Most of them weren't big enough to ruin the experience, but some definitely broke the immersion, and there were some rare cases of game-breaking bugs that forced me to turn off the game and restart.

As a whole I still do love it, the gameplay is improved in every way it could have, and even though I have my issues with the story it still has moments of brilliance, and as I've said most of the bugs weren't too bad, but for me, the biggest appeal of the series is its story and that's the part of the game that I think was most poorly handled, so while I still like it, it doesn't quite live up to the previous game.

Reviewed on Nov 13, 2022
