why the fuck did they make a fighting game for fatass bronies

yall done took my free headless fuck yall niggas bro i was yall #1 supporter nd yall pay me back like dis???? i hope yall fatass niggas in san diego go bankrupt dogshit ass company

nigga injustice 2 is better bc it has all 4 turtles

they shoulda added a black nigga as a character but he woulda died first so

my cousin is still getting filtered now by xbox niggas

nigga the pc port fuckin sucks its only gettin this high because of da ninja turtles smd backloggd

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fuck them fatass cops in chapter 13 niggas built like pigs

i want whatever drug this nigga polyblank be taking

nigga fuck botw just play this game

nigga its pointless to play any other bomberman game when this shit exist