9 reviews liked by beardeddragon45

A fun and interesting enough game that's unfortunately a bit of a mess both story-wise and gameplay-wise. Story starts off with some intrigue with the academy setting of awkward teens having to commit war-crimes but just kind of goes off the deep end in the third act where a bunch of crap's kind of thrown at the wall to see what sticks. Combat's still fun, if a little more tedious than in prior Final Fantasies thanks to some needless overcomplications with the Junction and Draw mechanics. Still enjoyed my time with it, especially in no small part due to the excellent music and Squall being one of the most interesting main protagonists that Final Fantasy has come up with (even if the rest of the cast can be somewhat lacking). Triple Triad's pretty fun!

I'm finally going to get around to doing a, hopefully, quick marathon of the Pikmin games up to 4. I've honestly only played 3 before, so I'm curious to try out the older ones now. This one's a nice little package that can still be a little difficult with the time limit and the Pikmin's wonky AI (luckily got all ship parts in 22 days, even with two or three days spent going back to the Impact Site to restock my Pikmin numbers). I quite enjoyed its air of mystery and how it only tells you about the world through Olimar's eyes. He has a more interesting perspective than I thought with him being portrayed as curious and stubborn and gullible, when my only other experiences with him are in Pikmin 3 (where he is barely in it) and Smash Bros. (which doesn't show off much of his personality except that he's good at leading Pikmin)

Not every game needs to be an open world game

I feel like I very much prefer the more exploration and puzzle solving focus of, say, RE2 or Village, but this has a winking tone and fun enough set pieces to make it worth my while.

A little shorter, and I get the impression this was affected more than it would like to admit by the pandemic (I’m almost certain their were major rewrites and/or sequences cut from this) but a stunningly gorgeous game with Mayhaps the best weapons in the series since Tools of Destruction.
Would like a follow up sooner rather than later, even for a short one

I need the next one of these in my VEINS NOW. I HAVE TO SEE YUFFIE ANNOY CLOUD. The new additions to the combat are neat too.

Also, feel free to keep Fort Condor around.

Loved it, from Tall Vampire Lady all the way to siege on the werewolf den and the tank fight, and all the Silent Hill nightmares in between.

I guess I care about these games now?

Was not expecting to genuinely love this game as I’m not really a zombie guy, but incredibly tense, well designed, and fun in a “okay, Lemme think this through” kinda way.

This review contains spoilers

"Where's the big woman?" I ask, three levels after killing her.