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beatingeverygame finished Max Payne
This is my first time playing a game in this series and this is easily one of the best third person shooters i've ever played. There's so many different locations with enough interactivity and bullets flying that makes it feel like a john woo movie at some points. The cutscenes and story are amazing with the corny dialogue being super charming and help gives the game a great feel of personality. The gunplay is out of this world and probably some of my favorite in any game i've played ever. The combination of guns all are amazing and definitely able to feel the difference within each. Overall this shit is fire and I genuinely can't wait to play the sequels

5 days ago

9 days ago

beatingeverygame is now playing Max Payne

14 days ago

beatingeverygame finished Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
This is a super nostalgic game for me because this game is in a list with batman arkham asylum and assassins creed 2 as games I've played through too many times to count. This game has a super great story and for a 7th generation third person shooter is really good at differentiating itself from the endless pile of them. The climbing's always been hit or miss for me on it either being frustating or working seamlessly but still works for what it is doing. The variety of weapons is definitely lacking with there really only being a couple different guns and some like the revolver and the deagle that are straight up just different models that do more damage. Overall though this game fucking rules and is the start to one of my favorite franchises ever and I can't wait to start replaying them for this account soon.

14 days ago

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