Log Status






Time Played

1h 46m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 4, 2024

Platforms Played


Yeah this game is kinda a stinker. I love guitar hero and clone hero and while i'm not good at those games by any means I still find great enjoyment when i play them. This was not that at all, now to be fair i wasn't able to get my guitar working for this game so I had to use keyboard which isn't the worst thing in the world but definitely effected the enjoyment. The inputs would sometime just not go through and a lot of the stuff involving the menu was pretty janky. The music is just some pretty mediocre metal covers of famous christmas music that actually playing is pretty easy even on hard mode. Overall I just did not have a good time with this but for .50C I can't really complain that much for how cheap it is.