I just didn't vibe with this.

This just didn't click with me in the same way as the first (which I hadn't managed to finish due to a save file snafu losing a day's progress). The surface sections lose much of what made the first game so vibrant, the tweaks to the critical path left me locked out of base building for much longer than I liked, and the narrative ended up doing the worst of both worlds, leaving me feeling channeled through one route, while still regularly unclear about where to go or how to progress

Beautiful and vibrant set of puzzle games, with a theming to die for, and a solution to the problem that plagues the genre: what do you do when you get stuck? Just play one of the other eight games in the BBS, of course!

Unfortunately eventually you finish the games you can finish and you're still stuck, and the two games in this collection that are "classic zachtronics" – meaning, effectively coding puzzles in disguise – are each incredibly tricky. The one action game in the collection also failed to click for me, though it wasn't helped by being played on Steam Deck without an appropriate control scheme.

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General concerns:


A fun little adventure that gets progressively less interesting as it gets more game-like.

Sweet lil game. Like A Short Hike before it, it’s built heavily on the ground laid by Breath of the Wild; and like A Short Hike, it can’t quite offer the same thrill of exploration thanks to its constrained world and short draw distance. But it works as Zelda methadone

God, wish I hadn’t accidentally deleted my save of this. Which, 25 hours in, says something. I could have gone further.