30 reviews liked by beolsae

Shout out a cuando vomite en el coche por estar jugando esto

AMO la ludopatia infantil incontrolada

Mi tipo de sangre debe ser Bombay, porque me han robado el corazón...

I dunno. This is sort of cute and quirky but it feels like the whole of the game is just an excuse to get to the eventual twist ending.

It could have been a more nuanced exploration of identity and determinism or whatever, but it really just feels like they had this random idea for an ending, never thought about it further than that, and just made a weird rpg to get to that point.

I know it was directed by one of the Love De Lic dudes, but it definitely lacks the warmth and substance of something like Moon.

That said the skill system sort of reminds me of the SaGa games which is, like, sort of funny but also sort of appropriate.

This game mostly reminded me that I still have to play Michigan: Report From Hell (also directed by Akira Ueda). As a kid I always used to see ads for it on TV but could never actually find the game in stores.

Suda51 mi padre tokio morishima mi padre, tsuki mi padre y jabroni mi padre, pinche novela visual buena no puedo más AAAAAAAAAAA

My partner is a turtle.
His name is "Red".

Que ganas de flowersunandrain ear

this shit was so ASS it took me 4 months to finish it and it wasn't even worth it </3

Very very good

Now in more detail, it is the first time that I see something about suda51 and I understand that being confused is part of the experience, for example I did not understand that final scene very well. I guess some things will be explained in TSC

Removing that, it seems to me that for a game from 1998 it is very well done, although playing it must be torture.

Definitivamente una experiencia enriquecedora que le recomiendo a todo el mundo
phi: meoooow
CUAL ES EL ID CUAL ES EL ID CUAL ES EL ID (al final lo encontre)