19 reviews liked by bigDripper

I have to be honest, I witnessed someone I care about have one of the most heartbreaking emotional breakdowns I've ever seen as they lost to the computer in this game. Haunts me to this day.

One time I made myself and my brother in this game, as well as a highly accurate recreation of the tiny apartment we shared. It was super nightmarish and I regretted it immediately as I wondered which of the two mirrored lives had more substance. Other than that I just always made large italian families I pretended were in the mob.

A friend showing me that you could make two men woohoo in this when I was a kid is how I learned about gay people.

Wanna unlock the level where you trample chibi with a push mower.

Not really but he's a shitty little robot.
I respect that the game convincingly simulates being a tiny, stubborn/limited body where simple tasks take foreeeever. But the rest of the design shouldn't have also followed that principle. There are so many little quality of life fixes that could've made the game the "stop and smell the roses" game it seems to want to be. Just being able to skip through dialogue you've heard a million times would cut hours out of the playtime. I know a lot of gaming is just burning hours of your life on fake achievements but there's only so much scrubbing imaginary stains with a toothbrush I can take before I remember I'm not a prisoner of war being forced to do this.
The writing is bad. The character designs (with the exception of chibi who looks incredible) are mostly ugly and off putting. The sound design is a CURSE! Those atonal footstep variations are so brutal. Boot up the game and walk across a carpet if you think I'm exaggerating. And it is literally and emotionally a chore of a game.
It gets points for being such an oddity and for nostalgia, but it's not the overlooked gem I remembered it being.

This was the update that introduced War Paints, probably the most iffy thing they've added to Team Fortress 2. They're fine enough, some of them look real nice, though maybe I'm just a purist, but I actually really prefer the clean, original look for each weapon, the way God intended.

One of the greatest games ever made, one of the funniest experiences you can play, and it WILL give you the hugest bursts of dopamine imaginable.
It's also completely unplayable right now! You CANNOT play TF2 easily without either playing the lottery with potential lobbies consisting entirely of bots, or play in community servers so sweaty that it sucks all of the wacky fun out of the game. It's an incredibly sad situation, and all I can really say is, fuck Valve for not doing anything to deal with this whilst still having the balls to release new lootboxes for the game multiple times a year. The fact the game has been left to rot in this state is inexcusable.

O meu segundo jogo online favorito. Criei MUITAS histórias aqui, e conheci muitos amigos também. Em pouco tempo, consegui mais de quinhentas horas de jogo. Infelizmente, foi abandonado pela Valve, deixando um jogo completamente lotado de hackers. O que me fez continuar jogando por aqueles meses em 2019/2020 foram os jogadores. Team Fortress 2 tem a comunidade mais engraçada, unida e leal que já vi. Algo extremamente raro de se encontrar em jogos competitivos. Não sei como o jogo está hoje em dia, mas espero que outras pessoas continuem construindo bons momentos por lá.

Things must've sucked before Valve invented comedy on October 9, 2007

This is probably the most heretical opinion I have when it comes to action games, but here's how I'd explain it: I like sports. I like to watch sports. I'd even play some, if the opportunity presented itself! But one thing I won't do is humor anyone's fuckin' Sportsball jokes, or listen to pitches on nerdy alternatives to sports without voicing disapproval. I'm happy just liking sports and I don't need to remind people I'm Not Like Most Girls when I do.