Oh dude this would totally be a full 5 stars if it weren't for the fact that Kintaro and Shao Kahn are dogshit final bosses, everything else is a blast. I implore you guys to co-op this with a friend online using PCSX2 and Parsec, this shit's magical.

Probably the sickest finale Square's done for one of their games since Kingdom Hearts 2. Every new chapter kept blowing my mind, like I felt like I was dreaming. From combat, to minigames, to set pieces, to boss fights, it doesn't skimp out on any of that shit.

I loved all the mainline HD era Final Fantasy games so far (FFXIII, FFXV, and FFXVI), but with those I can't help but feel like there's elements missing that would make them better. To me, Rebirth is the game I've been wanting since XV. A game that promises AND delivers on what I wanted Versus XIII to be all those years ago.

I can't believe this game is real AND we have one more coming after this. I am both incredibly excited and deeply terrified for what comes next.

Man I don't even have anything witty to say about this one, I can't even count how many times I openly wept because of this game. This might honestly be my new favorite game in the series, between this and Lost Judgment I'd say RGG Studio are on one hell of a roll.

I can't stay mad at this one, man. For all its weird lore inclusions, stilted dialogue, injecting Genesis into one of the most pivotal scenes of the original game, etc., I can't get mad at it.

Zack is still such a fun and endearing character, I think his his interactions with characters like Aerith, Cloud and Sephiroth are all really good. And man, I forgot how much they really hammer home that this game's ending was gonna be heartbreaking.

Combat here is surprisingly nice, too. Not nearly as good as Remake or Rebirth, but I clicked with it way more than the PSP original. Even if I eventually got a really disgusting build with Darkness going on where I was nearly one-shotting everything in my path on Hard mode, but hey, I think more RPGs should let you find ways to one-shot enemies as a hilarious joke. Zack is both the strongest Dragoon AND Dark Knight in the whole franchise even if he's technically neither, it's messed up.

Don't go into this one expecting the exact same level of quality as Remake or Rebirth, though. This is very much still a side project and it stays true to the spirit of the original PSP game, like... shockingly true. At times I like to joke around and call it "Crisis Core Kiwami", as it reminds me of how the Yakuza Kiwami games have a ton of new gameplay features that weren't in the originals, but then you look at stuff like cutscene animations and it's lifted directly from the original game it's remaking.

While we're talking about this still being a PSP game in spirit, expect to do a lot of missions if you wanna unlock the really fancy shit that lets you turn Zack into an overpowered sicko. I only managed to complete 50% of all side missions before I beat the game in my ~20 hour playthrough, there's a LOT to go through.

Anyways, game's a mess, but I can't stay mad at it. It's an endearing mess, it'll probably make you chuckle and smile about as much as it'll make you groan and facepalm. Pick it up on sale if you need more Zack in your life before that third FF7R game drops.