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8 days ago

bitterbatterdog finished Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye
Hard to rate. I think the highs and lows of the dlc match the game. exploriing the DLC area is a charm but by the end it gets tedious. Especially so when it comes to just attempting to run through the dark and avoid instakills. Fair warning. The ending to this completely spoils the game so it's best to leave this alone until you have finished the game

8 days ago

bitterbatterdog is now playing Koudelka

12 days ago

13 days ago

13 days ago

bitterbatterdog finished Senua's Saga: Hellblade II
Completion Criteria: Credits Rolled.

A game like this lives on it's story and really, it just didn't click for me. I love short inviting games to stick my teeth into for a weekend but when that is the case I expect the plot to be suitable and this isn't. By the time you finish the first major segment, the game is already over. The pacing of the first two "sections" feels really good but at the same time, I was becoming extremely confused when I noticed that by the end of that second segment. The collectibles led me to believe that the game was ending, and it wasn't far off. Two short segment bottled together that feel very rushed just trying to press the ending together where you just jump between two set-pieces. The themes of the game feel a lot more murky also and the ending really messes with the sensibilities of the world which felt very carefully constructed in the first.

The game is really beautiful and the soundtrack is also great but the gameplay also seems to take a step back in my opinion. I'm aware most people didn't like the gameplay of the original but both the combat and puzzles felt like a step down. Fortunately I don't consider either the key attributes of this type of game or it may have been rated a bit worse.

Overall dissapointed and I'm glad this was on Gamepass as a full price purchase may have felt too much

14 days ago

bitterbatterdog finished Outer Wilds

This review contains spoilers

Completion Criteria: Credits Rolled

The game is probably one I critically like more then it is one is personally enjoyed. A world simulation is great and hard to do right. But the idea of a full and open world with realtime simulation naturally has problems that personally are pet peeves.

There are essentially 3 phases to this game:
(a) Naked Exploration. Check out what's going on see the sights. (b) Thoughtful exploration. Understand the mysteries and identify the questions to be answered. (c) Full solution aggro.

These aren't binary phases but gradually each one becomes the primary focus. I've played a lot of brain benders before so usually I would expect (c) to be where my smooth brain eats up endorphins but (b) ended up being my favorite here and I think I have understood why.The relationship between overthinking, a full world and simulation. In phase b. Answers are often provided succinctly and lead to natural progression. Specifcally I can think of Dark Bramble. One answer leads to another and another, and if you hit a dead end. It's clear. But not only that, you have areas of import to think about and you can move on. By (c) though. You have the knowledge and you have to come up with a solution. And if you are like me you think "It's provided me with a full world" the answer is to utilize it. And so you fly from place to place trying things out. You have finished exploring, all that's left are the areas you dislike to solve the final pieces of the puzzle. You wait in the sunless city for the simulation to move. You see a core which you know is related to an area of import. It's not. All the clues you have lined out don't mean anything. You run on a wild goose chase because the world has told you everything about how the core is built. And every time your hypothesis fails you. Get in your ship and repeat the same motion and wait. You come up with another plan. You check the only other thing you haven't done that you think is feasible and you analyze text and then calculate a plan of action and you wait for that gosh darn sand every time because you don't know what's wrong. Turns out the whole thing. You just check some warp pads (while waiting) and that solves everything.

And this sounds ranty because it kind of is. The game felt quite backfilled with stuff that I just didn't really like. The twins is just unfun and it feels like a majority of my time was there answering questions. But I'm not sure I would call it out because the simulated open world is what a lot of people love about this game. Because the world itself is a puzzle and I respect that because I feel the same way about La Mulana. I'm honestly just surprised how many people this resonates with. I wish I could recommend to people who love this game La Mulana but I am very aware that it would not be everyone's cup of tea due to the action and difficulty.

I am happy to have gotten to the game and played it but I may have had a better time if I didn't expect the puzzles to be mind-shattering as the expectation people put on them suggest. Maybe i'll look into the DLC later

15 days ago

bitterbatterdog commented on electrode's list oomf of war ranking
The PSP game being higher then the first two is insane to me

16 days ago

bitterbatterdog earned the Adored badge

19 days ago

bitterbatterdog finished Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Completion Criteria: All Requests + Put of 100 trials

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, has always been a game I praised as one of the best of the genre, if not one of the greatest of all time. So to play it once more and have it dawn on me that this one is one of those games I have been looking back on with nostalgia-tinted glasses hurts just a little bit. I by no means hate the game and I still think it does a lot very well but I can't ignore the flaws that maybe younger me did.

Lets start positive. I remember the game for it's vivid cast and intimate setting in Rogueport and those things are certainly there. Exploring the nooks and crannys of the small town is just a pleasant experience. Characters have character and they are some characters that look like regular NPCs still get a spotlight throughout the game. The majority of NPCs, with some notable exceptions played for humor, are well designed and memorable, utilizing the baseline of standard design and jazzed up. It really digs home how underdeveloped characters are in some of the later games. The music (the original) is great. Some are pleasant, some are eary, some get you head moving. Overall wonderful and will promptly be added to my playlists. The locals utilized overall in the chapters are very much hits with a few misses and the game still holds my favourite chapter in the franchise, being Chapter 4.

The gameplay I did not really coin until this playthrough as to why it's so good and ironically opposed to typical Nintendo ideologies is it's simple and restrained. Each option seems tight with no dressing. Jump hits flying, ground for spiky enemies. Item weapons and therefore item management matter. Each Partner has a niche (Yoshi hit well in the air with repeated attacks but Flurrie hits once, doing well against higher defence options). The badge system. Allows you to flex to cater to you're preferred type of offense/defensive strategy.

All sounds good so far. And let me preface that it is still very good...but there are some noticeable issues I can't overlook now. The first being the gameplay it's slow. All my memories of this game are falsities because every enjoyable moment I had was with the Unsimplifier on which doubles command speeds. this seems harmless but I was not really enjoying myself up until I could get that and the fact I can't enjoy the game without making it harder is a yellow flag that can't be ignored. I genuinely thought they might have forgotten to tune the speeds from 60fps it was so slow-feeling.
The next is a spot I threw away from my experience but the backtracking is actually genuinely bad. I'm sorry to the opinions I discarded who said this, believing they hated going back to rogueport. No, the requests in this game are really bad. 75% of them feel like "go to X area and talk to someone, go to Y area and talk to someone, go back to X area and talk to someone. If this was the original game, I would have done what I expect younger me did and completely ignored them and forgot they exist. But I am not young me anymore and I have become a stern believe in anything in the game should be good if you left it in. The gall of a game to tell you to go through a 100 floors of battles in which 70 floors are trivial, and then tell you to do it again. Sorry Mario. Unacceptable.

I think looking back, some of the areas really aren't as interesting as I once remembered. Hooktail and Glitz Pit which I had fond memories of as a kid have not aged to my liking and while I still do like the train, I used to hold in a little bit higher esteem. I was looking forward to the desert only to remember that it's not in this game and the cold area I didn't care for is actually this game and not PM64. I will have to take another look at that and see what else I have my memories crossed for (Spin dash).

Still heavy heavy recomendation, but I have to consider where in my rankings this actually sits after replaying it and comparing it to my imaginary pedestal.

20 days ago

bitterbatterdog commented on tendog's list The less you know the better (No shock horror)
Without saying "All of them"
Who's Lila
La Mulana
Arguably Any Souls since there peak enjoyment for most is living in the zeitgeist of learning

24 days ago

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