Reminds me of a flash game i played at school. Trophies are really easy.

Really short DLC with not much content at all.. It's a shame because the original game is pretty good. I wouldn't of bought this if i wasn't going for 100%

Actually a pretty fun game for a short amount of time. Easy trophies too

Cozy little fishing game with a haunted twist. Platinum was abit of a grind but fun non the less

Fun game, fast platinum and the OST is great!

Very addictive shooter roguelite. You have the option to make the game super super easy within the accessability settings, however still very addictive. Lots of fun different characters and builds to try out too!

Amazing game similar to vampire survivors with a sort of warcraft graphical theme. Some challenging moments. Fantastic game if you like these types of games. It also took me 32 hours~ to platinum


Very nostalgic childhood game of mine, great feeling to come back 12+ years later and platinum this game. The performance issues were kind of annoying though :( Other than that, amazing time

Amazing game, a lot of missable trophies which are annoying but the story and the humour is of course what you'd expect from South Park. Had so much fun playing this

A little platinum with a great artstyle. Really short but some parts of the game are fun.

All Spider-Man games are great fun. I really enjoyed the first playthrough of this game; however, getting the platinum wasn't as fun. I don't enjoy playing multiple playthroughs of a game just for a trophy, but other than that, that's a fantastic game!

This was my first Ratchet & Clank game since the PS2 versions. A great nostalgia trip and really helped show me how far games have come in the last 20 years. Definitely worth playing and platinuming!

This is a fun little cosy game that doesn't take long to platinum at all! It contains a relaxing and interesting story about going through the phases of moving house throughout someone's life.

I played this game as my first PS5 game and first platinum. I was smiling the whole way through! Amazing introduction to the new features Sony has to offer with the Duelsense 5 controller. Also has a lot of nostalgia and memerable moments from older Sony consoles. A very fun and easy platinum trophy too!