+ : Finally!! a game with Peach as the heroine, a character I adore and love to see shine (she's sublime in the game, btw!).
I loved playing her throughout the game, and there was a lot of attention to detail when it came to her outfits and the different levels, which I really enjoyed.

The “play” aspect of each level was also a nice idea that I really appreciated. Some of the transformations (kungfu, mermaid, skater and ninja for me) are really fun to play and original. The gameplay changes with each level, which I found refreshing.

A good lifespan, with lots of options and which can take a while to finish at 100%. You finish it before you get bored of it!


- : I think we can all agree that the game's biggest drawback is its loading times. It's very, very slow... I finished it at 100%, and when I had to restart the level because I'd missed a gem, I had to wait minutes for it to restart.

Technically, especially in the cinematics, it's pretty average.

Even if there's a lot of transformation, the levels tend to repeat themselves, and if you want to finish the whole game, especially with the New Game +, I think the game will get boring.

The storyline is non-existent.

In conclusion : this is a cute game, especially for younger players (I would have LOVED to play it as a little girl), which is fun and not headache-inducing. However, I wouldn't recommend finishing it 100%, as you'll end up frustrated and seeing more of the game's negative aspects.

I'd like to rediscover it as I did the first time. 💖

I hate the fact that they changed the original BOTW story, and this story is predictable, cheesy, unemotional... Anyway, it's a no for me. (the OST are very good tho, the remix are chief kiss)