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I'm not really a Halo guy, i've tried to get into them but for some reason they never clicked for me. Halo Infinite's MP is the first time I enjoyed a Halo game, nice gunplay, well designed maps, and there's a lot of room to mess around and be creative with what they've provided you with. It's great fun.

However, everything other than when you're in the MP is bad to average. The campaign felt like a big step down, the open world didn't really add to the experience in a meaningful way, the PC version wasn't great and I needed to use resolution scaling to get a stable framerate. The loading/wait times are really bad for a modern AAA game. The battlepass and playlists are another aspect of the game that isn't great. I know the game was delayed a lot but it definitely felt like it could have used a few more months of dev time to iron out some of the kinks.

There's a great multiplayer game buried underneath a whole lot of BS, which is a shame.

Simply put, the parkour simulator formula doesn't work as well in open world. The first game revolved around that concept, everything was designed around the unique idea of a parkour-focused game. The sequel loses that focus, going open world meant the delicate, hand-crafted nature of the first game was thrown out the window.

It's not necessarily a bad game, but it's not the special game that the original was. Just another open world game I suppose.

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The base game is one of the best ever made, this felt out of place and convoluted. Where the base game gave you a varied toolset, the DLC takes it away. Jetpack? Glorified double jump. Signalscope? used once. Translator? Never used. Oxygen? No longer a concern. Gravity? Same throughout the whole DLC. Looping? The DLC doesn't help you solve the overall mystery of the base game, so even loops feel out of place.

The dream world is the complete opposite of what I enjoyed from the base game. Why is my movement restricted? Why take even more of my equipment away? Why am I exploring a pitch black area? Why are there forced stealth sequences. Where the base game fun, varied and visually interesting, the DLC is the complete opposite. The DLC is also more linear than the base game, which makes getting stuck frustrating (whereas in the base game you could just go somewhere else due to the non-linear nature of the game).

This might be a nitpick but the new area also feels out of place, it's so disconnected from the main storyline. Adding what it is essentially a side mission to a game where everything is so interconnected kind of dilutes that aspect of the base game? Like I said, it might be a nitpick, but I do think this would be better as standalone DLC and leave the base game untouched.

This isn't to say the DLC is bad, it's just a big big step down from the base game. Which is understandable since the base game is one of the best games ever made. There are still some moments which have the classic Outer Wilds feel (e.g. when you enter the Stranger for the first time) and the story additions were good too.

I hope that whatever they make next maintains the open nature of the base game and doesn't restrict the player in the same way this DLC does