Always a little bummed this got abandoned. I sunk a weirdly large amount of time into this back during quarantine, there's just something appealing about raiding a compound with a sword and gadgets and killing a ton of guys. This could have been something really cool.

I played this on release day and got matched with a youtuber I recognized. I left a comment on the video saying it was me, but there were like 8 kids also claiming it was them who started arguing with me, and I didn't really have a good way to prove it so just deleted the comment.

That's the only anecdote I have with this game, I got bored of it after an hour or two and haven't opened it since, but it may have changed in the three years between then and now so I'm not giving a star rating.

getting the golden cauldron is one of the most satisfying achievements I've ever felt in gaming because it meant I never have to open this game again.

me and jin sakai are basically the same guy because i bought a $325 katana on amazon three months ago

i think i should try cbt. seems like a thing id be into

Game is 4.5 stars, but the pornography people have made of Link getting absolutely fucking railed by a fish gets 5

I have seen peggle in my dreams multiple fucking times. Lights and sounds made perfectly to latch onto my brain. I laugh at my friends for watching family guy clips with subway surfers gameplay shit, but if it were Peggle gameplay I'd be hooked too. I wouldn't even need the family guy. You put a video of a ball hitting some pegs in front of me and I am instantly entranced.

I have over 100 hours in this and have one hundred percented the game, and even I'm not gonna lie to you and say it's good.

so much wasted potential here. the beta was so fucking fun, the way the different classes would interact was the most fun you could have in a game. they kept them mostly grounded, things like "cannon" or "club guy" but then getting occasionally inventive with something like a guy who shits out chickens called the "chicken man". In the finished version they just got too weird with it - I spawn a potion salesman up against a middle earth guy and a dark mage or some shit and then one of them just wipes everyone else. there aren't interesting fights anymore, it makes me sad to think about what this game could have been.

I'm too fucking stupid for this game man. the only thing i remember from playing it was being confused as hell then naming a rocket "penis man" and it went full Challenger disaster and all my little guys blew up

the cooler you feel while playing it, the more absolutely fucking stupid you look to everyone around you. you might feel like a music jedi playing ghost on expert+ but you're really just some shmuck in a headset flailing your arms around.
This game would be perfect if the mapping tools weren't so confusing and obtuse that the only people willing to learn how to use them are weebs whose music tastes are only game osts and anime intros.

you WILL look like a fucking sicko playing this and that's a guarantee

Gonna be real I think I play this game the wrong way. I hop in a private convoy with one of my friends and we treat it like fucking mario kart just absolutely bombing it down the road to see who can finish the job first. It's the perfect rage game when some asshole starts trying to change lanes because little does he know you're going 105 right behind him and you swerve and tip your truck and lose like 15 minutes of progress getting towed to a service station. I have no idea if I can recommend it to the target audience or not since to me it's the exact opposite as a "calm and relaxing game" lmao

i love andrew katz more than god