chorei a cada segundo, história envolvente pra crlh onde até simples diálogos mudam todo o rumo da história, personagens profundos com sentimentos reais, uma explosão de sentimentos q faz vc amar cada segundo do jogo, obra de arte perfeita sem erros, nunca fui triste(sempre fui triste)

The many miles we walked
The many things we learned
The building of a shrine
Only just to burn
May the wind be at your back
Good fortune touch your hand
May the cards lay out a-straight
All from your command
That's the way it is
That's the way it is
That's the way it is
That's the way it is
Blue heron leaves the northern sky
It trusts the journey to new heights
What's the meaning of the scar
If we don't learn how to heal?
Should we ever be apart?
Then how does it feel?
That's the way it is
That's the way it is
That's the way it is
That's the way it is
Shine light into darkness
That's the way it is (I know)
That's the way it is (So many miles to walk)
That's the way it is
(So many things we've got to learn)
That's the way it is
(You're gonna be made to cry)
That's the way it is
(Don't give give up, you don't give it up)
That's the way it is

experiencias fodas pica dms slc me senti mais esquizofrenico a cada segundo, o trabalho de trilha e efeito sonoro desse jogo é impecável, história extremamente foda e gameplay gostosinha dms, absurdamente bom, me fez chorar q nem um desgraçado seja o choro por desespero, tristeza e por ficar emocionado. obra de arte finissima

hmmmm bonitinho calminho musiquinhas

obra prima kkk should i stay or should i go

parei de jogar pq me caguei de medo

mto chato cansativo e personagens extremamente chatos, desenvolvimento merda e sem contar q as escolhas n alteram nada no jogo

história mto foda e gameplay inovadora pica dms