playstation 2 would be 4 stars

job job is one of my personal favourites, but like many of the other games it's only really funny if you get to play with a creative group

despite its repetitive nature, i would play hundreds of levels of this if more stories from different people were developed.

i got really stuck way too early, idk if it was me being dumb or what

This was the sort of game you needed thick paperback manuals to play properly

i love this game!!!! i'd love to see it get a remake, remaster, reboot, rewhatever!!! i just want more of the cute characters, cute worlds, simple but creative building and decorating mechanisms

very fun for a while but i dropped it as quickly as i picked it up and never looked back

i know i had this but honestly i barely remember it

idc this one was fun and some of the pop songs were great to play on drums

original flavour on ps2 had big shoes to fill

i only remember liking a couple songs but oh boy were they fun

this one still gets busted out when the cousins come to visit

played it probably equally on switch and pc, maybe a little more on switch for portability