my mum got this so all four kids could play games together at the same time and bless her but this sucked

i go through phases where i play the shit out of this for a week or two and then forget it exists completely for months or even years

sooo much fun. these kinds of games where you queue up actions in the most efficient order tickle my autistic brain in the perfect way

this one still gets busted out when the cousins come to visit

sad this never got finished but at least it works with no bugs in its current state. would have liked to see some new tasks and maps, even characters

a rare 4-player game that allowed people to jump in and out at any point of the story, even in the middle of a level, which was absolutely perfect for my family. we played this game together A LOT. it was not prohibitively challenging even for the youngest players and the difficulty curve was fantastic.


as a person who is extremely bad at racing games as i lack the precision required, discovering a game where you are rewarded for crashing was life-changing

sadly i lost my original copy and every physical copy i've managed to get my hands on since has been corrupted somehow

despite its repetitive nature, i would play hundreds of levels of this if more stories from different people were developed.

finished the remaster the other day and while i had a few bugs starting out it was nothing game-breaking and i adapted slash they seemed to resolve themselves. main story could have been a bit longer and/or more involved but i was never bored

my sisters and i spent an entire school holidays (we had no friends lol) playing and finishing this. and when we did, we printed off the real recipes and made a few of the different cupcakes. suchhhh good memories.

SO MUCH FUN. i replayed it in 2019 and it holds up.

i hate that i can't play this as a casual gamer, i feel like you need a fucking degree to build shit in games like this

i love this game so much, brain tickling fun.

i only remember liking a couple songs but oh boy were they fun