truly makes you feel like the idolized asian man from the samurai era.
very engaging story, a gorgeous open world and thrilling combat

One of the best endings ever in a game
the story just gets better and better as it goes and the final arc is incredible
This was the only version I played and I thought the VN style wasn't so bad, but thats just me
Now im on the femc route and god damn this might be better than de male route

story do be one of the best out there in a game what can i say.
fun game too but pretty repetitive

idk exactly how but its better than the first one
prob cuz she has short hair now and its blue and you go to hell and then fight god or something
very cool game, wacky and fun as hell

Arguably one of the best metroidvanias in recent years.
Unique, beautiful and engaging artstyle.
Fun level design
A gorgeous and memorable ost that is just as good as the inspiration for the ost (Nier)
interesting and very deep lore
if you liked hollow knight you'll love this its as simple as that

a most unique and very fun combat system
cool story that definitely pays respect to the original
just wish they went with the original story
Fuck you Nomura

DUDE THIS IS ACTUALLY THE GREATEST DLC EVER MADE ALONGSIDE THE RINGED CITY except for laurence fuck him, but his music makes up for it ong


you are a cool guy fighting cool people except for that old guy fuck him

this is arguably one of the greatest ends to a series. Couldn't have been done better.
best dlc ever made alongside The Old Hunters

cool dynamic music thing
cool combat
has dante devil and vergil devil
fun chaotic gameplay where i know and dont know what im doing i love it
its just cool man what more is there to say

most underrated and overhated game of all time
best paper mario in the series

This review contains spoilers

most underappreciated game ever
ill admit to its flaws, the story is kind of a mess, especially when it comes to its antagonist, the characters aren't as compelling some in the previous game, and its mechanics are debatable as a whole, but i had so much unexplainable fun with this game. I'd go as far as to say its my favorite one in the series.
I really liked the junction system and had so much fun with it, figuring out what spells matched with whatever stat was nice and satisfying whenever i figured out. how to get a giant stat boost. I think the narrative is amazing for the first third of the game, until after the Assasination of Sorceress Edea mission, which is honestly one of my favorite arcs in a game ever. The character interactions were really fun and although squalls development is rushed, I think he's such a misunderstood protagonist cause he's honestly not that bad.
And oh my god i cannot forget the music. Its no surprise that music in this franchise is some of the best ever. But i'd argue that this was Uematsu at his peak. The game starts off starts with the opening song which immediately drew me into the game. Every ambient theme is incredible and makes me appreciate the world even more. Balamb Garden and Fishemen's Horizon do a very great at making these places feel like a safe haven. The boss theme is my favorite in a final fantasy game, Premonition is the boss theme with the most final boss theme potential, its awesome hearing that opening to that song its makes the climax feel even more impactful. And all of the songs during the final boss go hard as fuck. I'll admit at the end I cried partially cause of that emotional ending cutscene but also because i won't get to experience this game for the first time again. I loved this game so so much and i never really understood why considering I always noticed its flaws and questionable design. This should definitely be remade just like ff7 if they can just make the design more accesible and tweak the story, i think this game can be an all time classic.
Man feels good to write a genuine review for a game you love knowing that no one in the world is ever going to read this.