The game is beyond fascinating it's actually insane how much they've improved from the first. I'm loving everything about it

Legit, genuine, absolute PEAK FICTION
The most compelling, clever, emotional, and thought provoking narrative I have every read. The most human cast of all time with a protagonist that you'll connect with like no other. A gorgeous soundtrack that enhances every scene in the best way possible. And a massively appealing artstyle that you'll never see again.

got me into fighting games
$60 album that is amazing and has cool animation pog


pinnacle of fictional media
it is my religion now

shit/mid level
one of the best fucking bosses in SoulsBorne as a whole

wtf is this shit its like a playable garbage dump

"shoot them with your gun"
dante looks cool tho
good to know something is worse than DS2

you dance to the music from the music of the original which was really really good music but the music is also remixed so some will be better than others
this is all thanks to Shoji Meguro and his natural talent to make the best music you've ever heard

havent finished it but holy shit its probably the best cast in a final fantasy game
vivi is the fucking best


brief honest review
this game has so many elements and it does them flawlessly

favorite of the dancing spinoffs
-music list feels lacking tho
-my favorite remixes tho
-protag is back with his friends so widepeepohappy