8 reviews liked by brendonbigley

this rom hack is honestly so good I’ve had more fun with this than any nintendo-released pokemon game in years

Factual evidence that dogs should pay taxes.

I've been sitting on this game for years.

My husband is an immigrant. We were scared of border checkpoints for 6+ years. Not because he'd done anything wrong, but because in the US, your fate is up to the officer you run into that day. So despite him having all the necessary paperwork to take a trip to Canada on our many Great Lakes vacations, we waited until he was a citizen.

Papers Please is obviously saying something. It's not exactly subtle about it. But to me, the reality of being tossed around by the American immigration system made it something I couldn't spend too long playing.

I won't be rating this game.

Game is fun!! Story is simple enough generally, but the more you try to specifically understand the less clear it gets lol. Just enjoy the general story about letting go of your past and you’ll get everything you need out of it :)

It took 10 years but I'm really happy they made Dark Souls 2

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Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy is a fantastic story first and an ok video game second. The game takes you through an absolutely heart wrenching story that tackles a lot of heavy subjects including loss, grief, and trauma while also throwing in some light hearted humour and a loveable cast of characters.
Some of the highlights of the game were the brief moments of respite you took on the Milano. Speaking to each team member about the events that just happened or specific items you may find through out the game. These glimpses into the world of each character really make the game shine and showcases how real the characters and world feel.
I enjoyed each world that was visited throughout the adventure. Knowhere really felt like the seedy underworld hub that it is. It even had grifts that you could take part of spread throughout the area and a bar where you can catch up with some old friends. The other planets like lamentis were beautiful and really showcases some of the graphic capability of the new generation hardware.
Unfortunately I don't think that this is a perfect game. I found the combat to be kind of boring and repetitive. Towards the end of the game you are literally fighting the same hordes of enemies you have been fighting throughout the game. On top of that the combat pacing felt very slow and enemies had a lot of health but were also just bullet sponges. The system in place to use your teammates was a lot of fun and I enjoyed having Rocket occasionally lob a grenade at enemies.
All in all this was a great game with my only suggestion being to maybe play the game on the easiest setting just to get through the story.