made by an open bigot, no thanks! thankfully was able to refund, don't support this dev.

Reviewed on Mar 05, 2023


1 year ago



1 year ago

Removed by a moderator

1 year ago

Happy yall can enjoy supporting this creator, but personally I just can't financially support an open racist and homophobe. Just an opinion, but it happens to be mine.

1 year ago

How many god damn times to I have to say this, the creator isn't like that anymore, that was all 5 years ago, and has apologized recently.

1 year ago

Well you're wrong it was much more recent than that and it's in the game. He also hasn't apologized

1 year ago

genuine question, what are you talking about? surface searching only gets equally vague references to "some kind of bigoted comment the creator made 5 years ago," 0 elaboration on what it is, if there's any update from the guy since, etc., which leaves it really vague whether its "calling someone slurs with knowledge intent and malice" or "did some shit without knowing the real meaning behind it once and then deleted it" or something and makes statements like this basically useless. which sucks, considering, like, i'm likeminded, i prefer to know if devs are shitty people so i know if i can feel comfortable supporting them or not, but "source: just trust me bro" doesn't really help me any

1 year ago


the creator made edgy jokes 3-5 years ago and that's really about it. He's stated recently he isn't proud of said jokes as he views them as shallow and unfunny. As for the "recent" happenings people are claiming he's "bigoted" because the game has some character and enemy designs that people claim are "offensive" when they're really not. If people foresaw some designs )Mr. Stick, Tribe Cheese, Mr. Pinch, etc.) as problematic then I feel like the play testers and people that financially supported the game for the 5 years its been in the works would've said something about it, but they didn't. Considering how the game doesn't even take itself seriously with all the stuff it does I'm genuinely in disbelief over how anyone can be offended by it.

1 year ago

there are racist designs in the game and the creator frequently said racist/homophobic slurs in the negative way in a private discord as recently as 2020 (as far as we know)

1 year ago

"mainly inspired by earthworm Jim" indeed, imo

1 year ago

It wasn't even a private discord, it was on the same server that exists today.

Oh no, he said some stuff dumb stuff 3 years ago and recently mentioned how he isn't proud of doing that. God forbid someone acknowledges their past wrongdoings and changes for the better because that's an impossible thing to do apparently lmfao.

1 year ago

Again, no issue with other people choosing to support bigotry. I just personally can't support something like that. Happy for you tho

1 year ago


I genuinely think you don't know what bigotry is since you're so committed with going around in circles about what you've been saying. The only people that I've seen "offended" by this game are goofballs that white knight for minorities (such as myself) when it comes to our culture being represented in media. If you genuinely think someone can't change for the better within 3-5 years, then you must be the most perfect person to walk on this earth who's never made regrettable choices in life.

1 year ago

well we'll see if he removes the stuff from the game or apologizes. don't see why you care so much about what other people choose not to support, have a good one.

1 year ago

The man acknowledged his past misdeeds and deemed them as incorrect what more do you want from him? lmfao

My point still stands on the character designs. If anyone (backers and or playtesters) saw issues with them they had 5 years of dev time to say something about it, but as far as we know, nobody did, and nobody was offended either. People be asking for an "apology" as if they actually care about someone changing for the better, but nah they just wanna feel good about themselves as if they've never made dumb choices in life.

I also don't care if you support the game or not. I care about context, something you didn't provide to anyone here twice over.

1 year ago

I think it would be great if he removed the racism from the game and gave an apology. I think you've made it clear you don't care about that, and that's your right.

1 year ago

cheers, hopefully we next meet in the review of a game more deserving of our attention.

1 year ago

As a native American I do not care that a piece of cheese has feathers on its head

1 year ago

Legit, the only people calling this game "racist" are kids that are trying to be offended for others and only found out about Pizza Tower not too long ago lmfao.

I've seen similar people do the same garbage with spanish culture and it gets annoying for people like me (I'm Dominican) because we have to tell them "hey we're literally not offended by this can you shut up".

1 year ago

I'm in the Pizza Tower server as well and some of the users are native American or Jewish, and they're literally not offended by anything in the game either. Hell, even on Twitter I saw the same opinion echoed by those folks as well. People need to stop crying wolf on the behalf of others, seriously.

1 year ago

Twitter moment

1 year ago

twitter momento

1 year ago

Look you can support a racist and his game all you want, I just can't. At this point please stop spamming my feed with your rants.
brock momento

1 year ago

You posted this publicly genuinely what did you expect lol. If I were spamming then a mod would've deleted what I had to say, but I've been on topic and haven't mislead anyone. I've only fully explained whats been going on regarding the game, something that you failed to elaborate on for the folks here.

1 year ago

please stop spamming my feed, thank you. I respect your opinion but you're obviously biased

1 year ago

The creator came up to me and said "I HATE you WHITE boy" I then cried for 2 seconds. Maybe ponder about this like an ancient philosoraptor (like the meme) Waffulsyrup

1 year ago

dude is gonna come back with a list of all philosoraptor memes posted in the private discord to date

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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